Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ox, cowherd and Bull-shit

Chinese New Year will be celebrated in less than two weeks. This year will be the Year of the Ox or Bull or Cow, whatever you like to call it. Many are already in the celebration mood but some are taking it rather too seriously. They wanna be the ox themselves. So they began to think as one.

With the cost of daily expenses on the rise, people do not expect the economy to be bullish but the least they expect is the reduction of bull-shit statements from certain people in the political circle and self appointed spoke person of the people.

For instance, do not think just because you are the Minister of Education , you can cow around by instructing the school children to hate and demonstrate against Israel. Leave the kids alone. You can afford to pay the motorcycle gangs of Mat Rempits to wear your Putera's T-shirt and march to the streets. The Home Minister will surely instruct the police to provide traffic control for your demonstrators since it is against Israel aggression and not about the conflicts in Sri Lanka. Maybe it is not that the Home Minister love the Sri Lankans victims less but he loves the Palestinians more even though we know both are humans too. Both will feel pain if shot or bombed. Maybe he thinks like a cow. No. Maybe an ox.

Some politicians thinks the people are cow minded and they are the cowherd. Just throw them some premium grasses and the cows will follow their bidding and instructions. They think by throwing millions in ang pows to the voters in Kuala Terengganu, the voters will be swayed by their persuasion to give them the votes. Voters are not cows. They will take your ang pows but not necessary give you the votes. We will see who is the real cow on Jan 17 ? - Loka

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