Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nation's day

As of today the national flag is still not fluttering outside the house. Motorists and passers-by has not been taking a second look at the "patriotic" house. The flag has not been raised not because of the haze or the influenza A H1N1 pandemic that is already creating fear amongst the populace. It's not that the householder do not have any free flags from the government. The old but decent looking national flag is still in the drawer. Waiting for the owner to pick it up and raise on the pole tied to the front gate.

Is the national day will be around the corner soon? Not sure about you all but it seems the country is too pre-occupied with other matters. It's not that the people do not love the country or are patriotic, it is just that there are too much things in their head to think and worry about.

H1N1 is now a more popular and widely spoken word in the country compared to "merdeka". People will be jostling for free face mask(if there is any distributed) rather than miniature national flags.Even if they obtained the free miniature flag, people might modified it into a face mask. Why not? Two-in-one package. One can be patriotic and protects oneself from the dreaded H1N1 infection at the same time.

Take a look at the main stream media, online news portal and blogs, many other popular words that can seen easily nowadays includes corruption, by-election, politician and prosecution. The people are facing an onslaught of these words because those in the political circles are so pre-occupied with all these things. At the end of the day it seems there is one word which they uncharacteristically forgotten - the nation.

The people need to take initiative to shake them out from this slumber and remind them that the people and nation should come first and foremost. People first should not be just a slogan on billboards or television jingles. If the powers that be do not take the nation as the priority, all these slogans and lip service will be just like the recently launched Touch "N" Go cards, it will a hot item initially, but once the pre-loaded value is fully utilized, the card will be of no use if you do not load it again.

The flag is already hoisted on the top floor of house and I am proud to remember the birth and spirit of the nation. - Loka