Thursday, December 3, 2009

National Service, another BTN?

So much has been said and commented on the nature of the Biro Tatanegara (BTN) courses which said to promote hate among the races in this country. Some are demanding BTN courses to be scrapped while the Cabinet agreed to revamp it. On the other side there are also those who supported and defended these courses.

While the heat is still on the BTN, another type of course run by the government risks moving towards the direction of the BTN.  The National Service Training Program (NS) was started in 2003 when current Prime Minister Najib Razak was the minister in charge as the Defence Minister then. The NS is attended dutifully by hundreds of thousands of 17 and 18 year olds annually since 2004. The trainees for NS are selected through a computer generated system based on racial breakdown and geographical distribution.

One of the modules of the NS, Nation Building module ( Kenegaraan ) was managed by the people from BTN. The director-general of BTN then, Dr. Nordin Kardi was the chairman of the Sub-committee for the drafting of the module. The training program for NS trainers for the nation-building was facilitated by BTN officers.

Even if the contents of the nation building module for the NS trainees might be the usual stuff that can be found in local history books and civic courses, the intepretation and comments during the lectures can be subjected to the discretion of the trainers. If a trainer is an individual with bigoted and racial leaning, it will not be surprising if those stories about the BTN will also be heard soon regarding the NS.

If the government do not monitor closely the teaching methods and contents intepretation of the thousands of NS trainers, the furore over the BTN related courses will be repeated itself in the NS. - Loka

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