Saturday, June 25, 2011

I am with DAP and proud to be one

Hmm..... maybe those who reads only English paper like The Star and have yet to attend any of the last two DAP fundraising dinners in USJ are not aware of the fact that I has been involved with  DAP for more than a year now. I am a DAP member and proud to be one too.

Since there is free publicity for my branch now, if anyone wanna join our new branch - the DAP USJ East branch, you are welcome to contact me.

And as usual, being a Buddhist activist for more than 20 years now,  if the Buddhist temples/centres you are attached to have any issues to raise especially with the Selangor state government, do continue to contact me too.- Loka SK Ng

From the Star
Saturday June 25, 2011

‘We’re PKR and DAP members’


PETALING JAYA: Two Subang Jaya municipal councillors have admitted that they were appointed under the non-governmental organisation (NGO) quota although they were members of PKR and DAP.

Jaberi Ami, the Kota Raja PKR member and Angkatan Muda Keadilan treasurer and Loka Ng Sai Kai, a USJ DAP branch member also admitted that their political affiliation helped them to get things done.

Jaberi said it was important to be in a political party to fully understand policies of the state. He added that being in a political party could help in his public service.

“I have been a PKR member since 2008. I have also been with the Muslim Factory Workers Welfare Association, an NGO, for more than five years.

“I see no problem with my political membership. I have an unwavering spirit to fight for the workers' welfare. So, I put forward to the state views on workers' welfare,” he said.

Ng felt it was important to be committed with the state's policies and “there is nothing wrong in being a party member.”

He has been active in Buddhist organisations for close to 20 years. He has also been Malaysian Youth Council vice-president.

Ng said he joined DAP about 18 months ago and found his membership beneficial in resolving many issues.

“I am committed to the state government's policies, but at the same time I am very firm and independent of state government control, I have no problem voicing out issues affecting the rakyat,” he said.

Both councillors were commenting on The Star's front-page story yesterday which highlighted that only 10 municipal councillors in Selangor were Independents and represented NGOs, compared to the state government's claim of 71.

Coalition of Non-Governmental Organi-sations and Professional Appointed Councillors (Conpac) chairman Tan Jo Hann said he was thankful for grassroots leaders such as Ng and Jabri. “But I am questioning what the Pakatan government had agreed to do. It is a matter of principle.

“Conpac wants 25% of municipal councillors to be full-fledged NGO representatives.”

Tan added that he was not undermining the skills or commitment of the councillors but just wanted state executive councillor Ronnie Liu to honour the 25% quota agreement for NGO representatives.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Hakka Lady sings for Malaysians

Huang Hong-ying, the Chinese diva specialize in singing Hakka songs

The mostly 4,000 strong Hakka audiences were mesmerized with the Hakka songs belted out by Chinese diva Huang Hong-ying who performed at the Hakka Cultural event in Seri Kembangan recently.

At 49, Huang still at her best during the performance in Seri Kembangan recently

Huang a.k.a the "Hakka Lady" was part of the Hui Zhou city's 17 members cultural group who visited Malaysia recently. Huang shared that Hakka folksongs are the natural voices of the Hakka folks which developed from the daily chores performed by the ordinary folks. Huang was taught the art of singing Hakka folksongs since young by her mother. One of the more popular albums she produced was “Hakka Moi”.  She had performed in various countries in Asia, Europe and Northern America and will continue to promote Hakka folksongs as a flourishing art form. She also sings in Cantonese and Mandarin. Some of her admirers even claimed she is better than the late Teresa Teng.

Cai Ming-Er was happy with the reception given by Malaysian audiences
Hui Zhou is situated in Guangdong province in China. The Hakka dialect is widely spoken in Hui Zhou just as in Seri Kembangan. The group also performs in Kuantan and Kota Kinabalu.

Ean Yong, assemblyman for Seri Kembangan who hosted the event

The cultural group performances were under the auspices of the office of Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah and zone 21 - 24 Residents Committee (JKP) of the Subang Jaya Municipal Council.

Part of the 4,000 crowd thronging the open stage event
The cultural performance was held on an open air stage constructed at the end of Jalan SK 6/1 in Seri Kembangan where many cultural events have been held in the last three years. Residents started trooping in as early as 6.30 in the evening. The event started with performances by local groups which include middle aged ladies performing some dance moves with agility and stamina that can put some younger ones to shame.

MPSJ councillor Tai Cheng Heng presenting a souvenir to Cai Ming-Er, flanked by Ean Yong, Teo Nie Ching and other dignitaries
Present during the event were Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah, Serdang Member of Parliament Teo Nie Ching and MPSJ councillors Ng Sze Han, Tai Cheng heng, Chong Hoon Ming and Loka Ng Sai Kai. Also present was deputy director-general of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau of Huiyang District, Hui Zhou City Cai Min-Er and Ling Lifang, who is vice chairman of Returned Overseas Chinese Union of Huiyang District, Hui Zhou City. - Loka SK Ng

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Selangor Menteri Besar during Selangor State Level Wesak Celebration






Tarikh  5 JUN 2011 (AHAD)  3 REJAB 1432

Masa 8.15 MALAM

Selamat Sejahtera dan Selamat Menyambut Hari Wesak kepada semua Penganut Agama Buddha.
Yang Berhormat Dato’ Teng Chang Khim,
Tuan Speaker Dewan Negeri Selangor;
Yang Berhormat Ahli-Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor;
Yang Berhormat Ahli-Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri dan Ahli-Ahli Parlimen;
Yang Berbahagia Ketua-Ketua Jabatan dan Warga Kerja Awam dan Swasta;
Yang Berusaha Encik Loka Ng Sai Kai,
Pengerusi Selangor Buddhist Development Committee;
Yang Berbahagia Dato’-Dato’, Datin-Datin, Ahli-Ahli Majlis, Para Pemimpin Pertubuhan Agama dan Para Pemimpin Masyarakat;
serta Wakil-Wakil Media Massa, Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan yang Budiman.

(1) Saya bersyukur kerana dapat hadir bersama tuan-tuan dan puan-puan pada malam ini khususnya kepada para penganut agama Buddha yang menyambut hari Wesak pada tahun ini. Saya berbangga kerana pihak Kerajaan Negeri yang mengusahakan sambutan hari Wesak peringkat negeri pada kali ini, sementelahan pula penduduk Selangor yang beragama Buddha merupakan golongan beragama kedua besar di negeri ini selepas golongan penduduk beragama Islam.

Para Hadirin yang Dihormati;

(2) Kita maklum, Hari Wesak dirayakan oleh semua penganut agama Buddha di seluruh dunia. Ia dirayakan pada Mei setiap tahun, pada waktu bulan purnama, untuk memperingati tiga peristiwa penting, iaitu saat kelahiran Siddharta Buddha, saat beliau menjadi Buddha dan saat kemangkatannya. Perayaan bermula pada waktu pagi dengan penganut ajaran Buddha mengunjungi kuil Buddha untuk memberikan penghormatan kepada Buddha, yang dilambangkan oleh simbol-simbol Buddha seperti pagoda, patung Buddha dan pokok bodhi.

(3) Saya difahamkan Sambutan hari Wesak tahun ini lebih signifikan kerana ia merupakan ulang tahun ke- 2,600 para penganut agama Buddha menyambut saat pencerahan (enlightenment) penuh Buddha. Perkara yang boleh dijadikan iktibar adalah ciri-ciri kesederhanaan dan keharmonian dalam kehidupan manusia yang diberi penekanan oleh ajaran agama Buddha. Saya berpendapat ciri-ciri kesederhanaan dan keharmonian, yang juga wujud dalam ajaran agama-agama utama lain di dunia, wajar didekati dan diamalkan demi kesejahteraan semua.

(4) Saya menyarankan agar kita menjauhi dan menyingkir amalan ekstremis yang dipelopori oleh golongan tertentu yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Perbuatan mereka ini boleh menimbulkan suasana hasad dengki dalam kalangan masyarakat kita yang ingin hidup berbudaya tinggi dan beradab serta saling menyayangi antara satu sama lain; tidak kira kaum, bahasa mahupun agama.

(5) Sesungguhnya, budaya memupuk perasaan kasih-sayang dan hormat-menghormati antara satu sama lain harus dipertingkatkan dalam kehidupan harian agar masyarakat kita boleh bersama-sama bergerak menuju pembangunan negeri Selangor yang lebih mampan dan bestari.

Para Hadirin yang Berbahagia;

(6) Kerajaan Negeri Selangor memang sedar dan prihatin akan keperluan masyarakat beragama Buddha dan cabaran yang mereka hadapi. Saya difahamkan keperluan masyarakat beragama Buddha terutamanya terhadap tanah dan prasarana rumah ibadat meningkat secara mendadak sejak 30 tahun ini disebabkan peningkatan penganut dan anak-anak muda yang menyertai program keagamaan, pendidikan dan kebajikan.

(7) Baru-baru ini sempena perayaan hari Wesak saya sempat berkunjung ke rumah ibadat agama Buddha di Subang Jaya dan Shah Alam. Semasa di sana saya disambut mesra dan saya dapati dua-dua tempat tersebut penuh sesak dengan para penganut agama Buddha. Saya difahamkan keadaan yang sama juga wujud di tempat-tempat lain terutamanya di kawasan bandar yang mempunyai ramai penduduk beragama Buddha.

(8) Untuk pengetahuan umum, sejak Pakatan Rakyat menubuhkan kerajaan di negeri Selangor pada Mac 2008, kita lantas menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Selain Islam yang turut dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil daripada pertubuhan agama selain Islam termasuk tiga daripada agama Buddha. Jawatankuasa ini bermesyuarat enam kali setahun untuk mencuba menyelesaikan pelbagai isu yang berkaitan dengan pelbagai perkara seperti permohonan tanah dan pembinaan rumah ibadat selain Islam serta membincangkan isu kefahaman antara agama.

(9) Saya berharap, melalui penelitian Jawatankuasa ini, isu pemberian kelulusan lambat untuk pembinaan rumah ibadat agama Buddha yang memakan masa hampir 20 tahun sebagaimana yang pernah berlaku di Shah Alam semasa pentadbiran kerajaan terdahulu tidak berulang lagi.

(10) Kerajaan Negeri juga memberi bantuan kepada pelbagai pertubuhan agama untuk membaik pulih rumah-rumah ibadat dan menjalankan urusan keagamaan masyarakat selain Islam. Misalnya, pada tahun 2010, pihak Kerajaan Negeri memperuntukkan sebanyak RM3 juta untuk tujuan ini.

Para Hadirin yang Budiman;

(11) Bagi pihak Kerajaan Negeri, saya mengucapkan syabas kepada semua pemimpin dan penganut agama Buddha kerana segala peranan dan program yang dijayakan di negeri Selangor. Antara program kemasyarakatan yang dikendalikan termasuklah pembinaan insan dan pembangunan masyarakat, kebudayaan, program kitar semula dan bantuan bencana alam.

(12) Dalam hal ini, sangat wajar kiranya dapat pihak pertubuhan agama Buddha menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak Kerajaan Negeri dalam hal penyertaan sukarelawan untuk menghulurkan bantuan kepada mangsa malapetaka apabila diperlukan kelak.
(13) Di samping itu, rumah ibadat juga boleh dijadikan destinasi tarikan pelancong dari dalam dan luar negeri. Misalnya, pihak Kerajaan Negeri amat bangga terhadap usaha oleh rumah ibadat Fo Guang Shan Dongzen di Jenjarom yang berjaya menarik jutaan pelawat setiap tahun. Supaya lebih berkesan, saya cadangkan agar program perarakan kereta berhias hari Wesak sebagaimana yang diadakan di Petaling Jaya dan Seri Kembangan dimasukkan dalam takwim tahunan Tourism Selangor untuk menarik lebih ramai pelancong ke Selangor.

(14) Akhir kata, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua terutamanya para pegawai kerajaan Negeri dan pihak pertubuhan agama Buddha yang berganding bahu menjayakan program malam ini. Sekali lagi diucapkan, “Selamat Menyambut Hari Wesak”.

Terima kasih. Selamat sejahtera an Selamat malam.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Press Release on Selangor Wesak Celebration

Press Release by Mr. Loka Ng Sai Kai, Chairman of Selangor Buddhist Development Committee and Working Committee Chairman for the Majlis Sambutan Hari Wesak 2011 Peringkat Negeri Selangor in conjunction with the Majlis Sambutan Hari Wesak 2011 Peringkat Negeri Selangor organized by the Selangor State Government with the support of Buddhist organizations in Selangor.

Dated : 5th June 2011                   Time : 8:30pm

a. Buddhist community began to request for Wesak to be declared as a public holiday since 1926 when the then abbot of Mahindarama Buddhist Temple, Ven. K. Gunaratana make the proposal to the then colonial government.

b. During the Japanese occupation, a Japanese official in Dec 1944 urged the Penang Buddhist community to make representation to the Japanese government to declare Wesak in the coming year as a public holiday.

c. After World War II, the British government said it will only consider declaring Wesak as a public holiday if both the Mahayana and Theravada traditions can agree on a same date to celebrate Wesak day. A meeting on 1st March 1949 at Penang Buddhist Association agrees to celebrate Wesak Day on the full moon of May.

d. On 12th April 1949, the colonial government declares Wesak Day which falls on 12th May 1949 as a public holiday in Penang, Melaka, Kedah and Perak. Government servants who are Buddhists in Selangor, Kelantan, Perlis, Terengganu and Negeri Sembilan were given a holiday on Wesak Day.

e. After many years of efforts by Buddhist and political leaders, the Federation of Malaya government finally declares on 3rd Jan 1962 that the government had adopted the day of Wesak as a public holiday for the whole federation beginning from 1962.

f. The ability to make Wesak as a public holiday was a memorable event and great achievement in the annals of Buddhism in this country. It has united the Buddhist community to work for a common interest in seeking the government’s recognition of the community stature as the second largest religious group in the country.

g. For many years after 1962, the Buddhist community noticed that while the Prime Minister will regularly issue public congratulatory messages in-conjunction with important celebration of major religions in Malaysia, the Prime Minister’s message for Wesak Day was always conspicuously missing. It was only in 1999 after years of representation by the Buddhist community leaders that the then Prime Minister began issuing congratulatory message for Wesak Day.

h. In the 1990s, the government began organizing official state or national events for major religions in this country. But official state or national events to celebrate Wesak Day was never organized by neither any state nor federal governments.

i. Requests have been conveyed to the federal government to organized official state events for the day of Wesak but it just fell on deaf ears.

j. Looking into the past efforts of our Buddhist predecessors, the Buddhist community just wanted to be given the necessary respect and recognition as the religion with the second largest following in this country. Based on the year 2000 population census, the Buddhist population comprised 20.2% of the citizens in this country.

k. Tonight on the 5th of June 2011, the Selangor State Government had taken the lead by organizing the first ever Selangor State Level Wesak Celebration in-conjunction with this year’s Wesak Day. Never in the history of the nation have any state or even the federal government had ever organized an official state event for the day of Wesak.

l. We would like to congratulate and thank the Selangor State Government for this noble effort and undertakings. More than 45 major Buddhist organizations in Selangor had come forward to join hands to support the State Wesak Celebration.

m. Buddhist performing groups like Messengers of Dharma, i-gemz, One Voice One Melody, Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Bodhi KL, Pei Jie & Fo Guang San, and Mahindarama Sunday Pali School from Penang and came forward to perform in this event. Professional dance groups Dua Space Dance Theatre and The Temple of Fine Arts are also involved in the performance.

n. While Selangor had taken the lead, we hoped other state governments and the Federal Government will take cognizance and organize a state event for Wesak in the near future.

Historic Wesak Celebration in Selangor

History was created on Sunday 5th June when more than 1,200 people gathered at the Auditorium Dewan Jubli Perak, Bangunan Sultan Abdul Aziz, Shah Alam to attend the first ever Selangor State Level Wesak Celebration.

The historic moment began when the mostly Buddhists audience rise to sing the Song of the Triple Gem. It signify a breakthru for the state and the nation as the Wesak event was the first time any state or federal government had ever organized and hosted an official Wesak celebration in conjunction with Wesak Day since independence.

When the Menteri Besar (Chief Minister) Tan Sri Dato' Seri Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim, who is a Muslim arrived to launch the event together with his wife,  he was given a rousing welcome by the audience. Accompanying him was Selangor State Assembly Speaker Dato' Teng Chang Khim, Exco member Ean Yong Hian Wah and  organizing chairman Loka Ng Sai Kai, who is also the Buddhist representative to the Selangor State non-Muslims Committee.

Others who were present during that memorable night includes senior monks from all Buddhist traditions namely Venerable Jue Cheng of Fo Guang San Malaysia, Ven. Datuk Dhammaratana Maha Thera of Buddhist Maha Vihara and Ven. Yango Rinpoche of Vajrayana Buddhist Council Malaysia, leaders from more than 45 Buddhist organization based in Selangor and president of the Malaysia Consultative Council for Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism Rev Dr. Phillips Thomas. A group of international students from nearby universities also attended the celebration.

The crowd roared with claps of approval when organizing chairman Loka Ng Sai Kai  congratulated the Selangor State Government for listening to the voices of the Buddhist community by organizing an official state celebration in honour of Wesak Day. He also urged other state governments to follow the Selangor footstep in organizing official Wesak celebration in their respective states.

Tan Sri Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim in his speech praises the Buddhist community for their contribution through welfare, social and educational programs carried out by various Buddhist groups in the state. Khalid also shared his concern on the need of more land to build Buddhist temples to cater to the increasing number of Buddhist devotees especially in urban areas. He also proposed from next year onwards the Wesak floats procession organized by Buddhist groups in Petaling Jaya and Seri Kembangan which attracts thousands of local and foreign visitors will be inserted in the annual calendar of Tourism Selangor.

The celebration was injected with performances by some of the popular Buddhist performing groups in the country which includes Messengers of Dharma, i.gemz, Bodhi Group, One Voice One Melody and Mahindarama Sunday Pali School. Dances were presented by the internationally acclaimed Dua Space and the Temple of Fine Arts. The Fo Guang San 24 Seasons Drum Troupe also gave a splendid performance.

At the end of the celebration, Khalid and all the religious leaders joined the performers on stage to sing the Happy Wesak song. The event on Sunday night will be etched in the memory of not only the audiences present that night but also the Buddhist community as the breakthru event in the annals Buddhism in Malaysia. - Loka SK Ng