Saturday, August 9, 2008

China - the next super power?

The Beijing Olympics was launched with a spectacular performance on 8/8/2008 that spread China's rich ancient history to their achievement in the space age. The show was very captivating indeed and the innovating lighting method of the Olympic flame by China's former top gymnast Li Ning captured the attention of all who was at the Bird Nest Olympic Stadium and billions who were glued to the tv watching the opening ceremony beamed live to millions of homes.
China had caught the attention of nations of the world with the opening ceremony. The most popular question now is whether China can overthrow the United States in winning the most gold medals? The world will be looking out for the next sports super power of the world.
As for Malaysia, the people are still waiting for the first Olympics gold medallist. Will badminton deliver this time after so many times of trying or will it be from cycling or even Tae Kwon-do? A million ringgit will be awaiting any Malaysian Olympics gold medallist. For glory, for country and perhaps for money will motivates our athlete to go for it.
China jiayu! Malaysia Boleh! - Loka

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