Dear Malaysians,
Enclosed is a checklist on the 12th general election candidate’s compatibility with your expectation for your reference. This checklist can be forwarded directly in person to your respective constituency candidates or via email or ask them during their public walk-about/ceramah/forum etc.
Once you received your response (whatever the answers or the candidate did not want to response) you will be in a better position to make a wise decision on the candidate most compatible to your expectations.
No one is blameless in this world.
Not now,
not in the past
and not in the future.
You might not have any candidate in your constituency that fulfilled your expectation but at least consider the one with the least “defilements”. Do not throw away your vote. Vote with wisdom.
Our country and
Our religion is our responsibility.
No one decides for us but oneself.
Long Live Malaysia.
Long Live the Buddha-Sasana.
Malaysian Buddhist Solidarity Group []
3 March 2008
Candidate’s Compatibility Checklist
Dear Candidates of the 12th Malaysian General Election,
The purpose of this checklist is to gauge the compatibility of candidates for the 12th General Election with the aspiration of the electorates. Candidates are expected to state their preference in each and every question. Any unanswered question will be deemed as not in favour.
1. Are you a person of integrity, trustworthy, sincere, just, ethical, incorruptible and will serve in the people’s interest above self-interest?
[ ] YES [ ] NO
2. Are you committed to build an equitable, democratic, safe and just society?
[ ] YES [ ] NO
3. Are you committed to uphold and defend the right and freedom of religious practice and education as per Article 3, Article 11 and Article 12 of the Federal Constitution?
[ ] YES [ ] NO
4. Do you agree all religious communities must be accorded a fair and just treatment to build their places of worship as per the Federal government guidelines?
[ ] YES [ ] NO
5. Do you agree there is a need to set up an official government body to address issues affecting the non-Muslims?
[ ] YES [ ] NO
6. Do you agree Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as official religion of the Federation?
[ ] YES [ ] NO
7. Without prejudice to the generality of Article 5 (Liberty of a person), Article 8 (Equality), Article 10 (Freedom of speech, assembly and association) and Article 11 (Freedom of religion), are you prepared to advocate and support an amendment to Article 12 Clause (4), which requires all individual intending to convert to another religion to seek consent from his/her spouse, or parents if he/she is not married?
[ ] YES [ ] NO
8. Do you agree local government should be democratically elected?
[ ] YES [ ] NO
9. To promote accountability and transparency, do you agree that the Anti-Corruption Agency must report and be responsible to the Parliament?
[ ] YES [ ] NO
10. To develop a balance and united social fabric, do you agree that the civil service requires a total overhaul to produce a balanced and competitive civil service that reflects the demography of Malaysia?
[ ] YES [ ] NO
SEAT CONTESTED[Parliament/State]/No. :
for more information on the Malaysian Constitution.
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