People doesn't like to be forced into doing certain thing which they don't like or can't readily accept.
The issue of wearing the "songkok", a Malay traditional headgear by DAP politicians during the ceremony to sworn in the new Selangor State Excos and appointment of the new Selangor State Assembly Speaker, Teng Chang Khim created a "temporary" challenge for the political party.
The issue of wearing the "songkok", a Malay traditional headgear by DAP politicians during the ceremony to sworn in the new Selangor State Excos and appointment of the new Selangor State Assembly Speaker, Teng Chang Khim created a "temporary" challenge for the political party.
At the end of the day, protocol and common sense prevails and the songkok was on the head of these DAP politicians, maybe for the first time in their lives.
Retrospectively, what's the fuss it is all about? Every community had their own tra
ditional headgears and they are always proud to share it with others. For instance, if we participate in an Orang Asli traditional function, don't spoil the atmosphere by declining to wear the headgear made of nipah by the Orang Asli community.

Mahathir, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Abdullah Badawi worn the Kadazan traditional headgear when they visited the Kadazan Dusun community in Sabah.

It is the state of the mind. We do not change our own traditional practices by just wearing traditional headgears of others. On the other hand, we should not force others to accept our tradition. It is up to them. It is their choice and they have to live with the way they deem fits.
We just need to respect each others way of life, tradition and practices. Period
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