Minister of Education Hishammuddin was reported as saying that the current 10% quota for non-bumiputras students in government fully residential schools will not be increased. He justified this by saying that it is difficult to have a formula that can please everyone. He added if this matter is raised, people will also asked about the exclusivity of the religious schools, Chinese (SJKC) and Tamil(SJKT) national type primary schools.
I am not sure what the minister meant by exclusivity but I do know that the Chinese and Tamil primary schools welcomes anyone who wants to enrol their children in these schools. The exclusivity that I know of is that parents of Chinese primary schools have the "privilege" to contribute continuously to the financial needs of these SJKCs. I wonder if parents of Mara Junior College need to provide financial support to their children's respective government fully aided residential schools to upkeep the building and facilities in the schools?
To raise an irrelevant link between fully residential schools and the SJKCs and SJKTs based on presumption that "people" will make an issue out of this exclusivity, maybe is only in the mind of the Education minister himself. So, please address the issue directly and don't dragged innocent people to your shallow arguments!
If you are serious in creating a harmonious society amongst the Malaysian childrens, do the real thing by opening the enrolment of all government residential schools to all based on merits, just like the public universities.
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