Monday, July 28, 2008

MCA at Crossroads

The real lobbying for support in the coming MCA central committee election starts the moment the list of all the central delegates were announced on Sunday 28 July 2008. These central delegates will be the target of all aspiring candidates for the various positions in the central committee. In the next two weeks, a flurry of candidates will be announcing their candidacy for positions which they assumed they are qualified and will obtain support from the delegates.

Some already place their stake on specific post while some is still analyzing the situation on the ground. Some are having serious discussion to establish alliances with other aspiring candidates.

The contest for the presidency has been thrown wide open since Ong Ka Ting declares he is not defending the position even though he is still qualified to do so under the revised rules that limits the presidency to nine years for each individual. Adding to the excitement was Chan Kong Choy's announced retirement as the deputy president.

If there is no compromise in the horse tradings and securing alliances amongst the main players, the contest for the presidency and deputy president will sees a crowded battle. Those expected to battle it out for the MCA chief are Transport Minister Ong Tee Keat who already declared his intention, two former Health Ministers Chua Soi Lek and Chua Jui Meng and possible the first female candidate Ng Yen Yen.

Those who are potentials to contest the deputy president post are Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai, Housing and Local Minister Ong Ka Chuan, former Information Minister Lim Siang Chai and former Housing and Local Government Minister Ting Chew Peh.

Once the dust of the divisions election settles, the bargaining and counter offers will produce two very clear alliances with a splinter group becoming the Independents. My hunch is that the "Incumbent Ministers Alliance" will team up Ong Tee Keat-Liow Tiong Lai-Ong Ka Chuan-Ng Yen Yen against the "Former Ministers Alliance" of Chua Soi Lek-Fong Chan Onn-Lim Siang Chai-Ting Chew Peh. Chua Jui Meng is expected to go it alone as an independent if Chua Soi Lek does not make way for him to challenge Ong Tee Keat. Former VP Yap Pian Hon is expected to try to claim back his previous position contesting as an independent although he is expected to throw his support for Ong Tee Keat as president.

In an organisation especially political party like MCA, any vacancy at the top creates a ripple all the way down to the grassroots. More people will seek the opportunity to move up the ladder and MCA's election this year will definitely sees many new faces fighting it out in the national body. The contests in the divisions level sees contest in 79 of the 191 divisions chairmen positions and those new faces who won in the divisions shows that the grassroots wants to see changes in MCA especially after the 308 voters backlash.

The question that MCA leaders and members need to ask themselves is not who will be elected as the central committee members but whether MCA can stays relevant to the Chinese community in Malaysia. The Chinese in Malaysia had sent a clear message to the party that MCA need to do more that just claiming to represent the 6 million plus Malaysian Chinese. It is not a question of either Ong Tee Keat or Chua Soi Lek as president but to ensure and convinced the people that the nation's progress and wealth accumulations benefits each and every citizens of this country. -Loka

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