Wednesday, September 3, 2008

16 September - Malaysia Day

The proposal for September 16 to be declared a national holiday in recognition of it's significance and importance to national unity and nation-building has been long overdue. But why is it there are certain people in BN particularly Umno who are reluctant to recognised that as a symbol of unity and goodwill gesture with our Sabah and Sarawak brethrens?

Is there an underlining fear in Umno that by giving Sept 16 it's due recognition will dilute or downgrade the contribution of the Malay nationalists' who fought for the nation's independence on 31 August 1957? What about the independence and nationalists of Sabah and Sarawak then? Both the states in East Malaysia did not joined Malaysia on 16 Sept 1963 since the nation called Malaysia did not exists before that. It was known as Malaya before 16 Sept 1963. Both the states were independent entity that decides to establish Malaysia together by merging with Peninsula Malaya and Singapore on equal playing filed and status. Brunei decided not to be part of the Malaysia at the last minute while Singapore seceded from Malaysia on 9 August 1965.

Why can't we have Independence Day on 31 August and Malaysia Day on 16 September? All independence fighters, whether in Peninsula or Sabah and Sarawak , will be fully recognised for their efforts and sacrifices.- Loka

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