Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Plans are made to be challenged

It may looks illogical for Rafidah Aziz to hand over the Umno Wanita chief position to Sharizat Abdul Jalil three months after the Umno election in March 2009. There is a conspiracy theory that says Rafidah are not confident to win if there is a challenge fron Sharizat and one of the way to maintain her position is to convince Sharizat not to contest the top post.

On the other hand there is a possibility that the no-contest and hand over arrangement is a grand design to deter one person from moving up the Wanita ladder. That person is Tourism minister Azalina Othman. If most of the wanita divisions sticks to the plan and nominated only Rafidah and Sharizat for the no. 1 and no.2 posts, that will ensure the former Puteri leader Azalina will not obtain the necessary nomination quota to contest the posts especially the deputy Wanita post.

It is well-known that Rafidah and Azalina does not moves on the same turf and do not sees eye-to-eye since the formation of Puteri Umno. This arrangement is to derail the ambitious Azalina from securing the deputy Wanita position this time around.

Whether this works will depends on the number of nominations Azalina getting for the deputy post and if Sharizat will obtain enough nomination for the chief post. If Azalina qualifies to contest, that will be a direct challenge to Sharizat's position and makes her political future shaky. That will leave her with no choice but to go all the way to secure enough nomination to fight it out for the Wanita head position.

It will be a colourful showdown between so-called "sworn sisters". - Loka

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