Tomorrow will be a new year for those celebrating it the Romans way. New resolutions, new aspirations are a norm for many who has been doing it every year without fail.
The past already gone,
do not cling onto it.
The future yet to come,
do not keep dreaming on it.
Live life the most everyday.
We do not know what will it be the next day.
Everyday is a good day if we can make it to be.
Some things are not within our control so let it be.
What in our mind is our own affairs.
We can managed and control it.
Let it be free from life's challenges.
Moment by moment.
Wishing all readers the best time of their life.
Every moment of it as you read this words. -Loka
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Stranded in a Ferris Wheel

My family and I were on a large ferris wheel yesterday afternoon, in carriage 28 to be exact.
It went for six rounds under the afternoon sun at about 5.00pm. At that moment the Singapore Flyer went kaput and 173 people were stranded on the 165 metre high Ferris Wheel.
Well, lucky for us. We were riding a Ferris Wheel during that time alright but in a different one. We were in carriage 28 of the Eye On Malaysia in Melaka, not the one in Singapore.
There was a Singaporean family on carriage 29 and they must be thankful that they were in a Malaysian Ferris Wheel rather than the faulty Singaporean wheel. - Loka
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Abhisit's political broom
Last night TV news showed Abhisit Vejjajiva the new Thai PM holding the broom to clean the Government House compound which was gate crashed and seized by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) for about four months. The place was left with much rubbish and awful sight caused by the forced occupation by PAD.
Abhisit will need more than a bigger and stronger broom to clean-up the state of affairs now afflicting Thailand. Being the third PM in a short span of four months he will need all the strength and support he can get to oversee the shambled economy and battered image of Thailand in the eyes of international community.
That will be easier said than done.
Even though he is reaching out to core supporters of former Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra in his stronghold regions, that will be a very challenging task as Thaksin's is still remote controlling the recently turned opposition groups of former PMs Somchai Wongsawat and Samak Sundaravej.
To ensure he will sustain longer than his predecessors, maybe he need the broom to sweep away the bad luck afflicting the PM position in Thailand. - Loka
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Abhisit boleh, Anwar macam mana?
Abhisit Vejjajiva dari Parti Demokratik sudah berjaya meraih sokongan dari ahli-ahli parlimen Thailand termasuk dari pihak lawan untuk dinobatkan sebagai Perdana Menteri apabila mendapat restu Raja Bhumipol nanti. Walaupun Abhisit mempunyai jumlah kerusi minoriti dalam parlimen, dia telah mempengaruhi sejumlah ahli parlimen pro-Thaksin untuk menukar kiblat ketaatan dan memberikan sokongan kepadanya untuk dipilih sebagai PM.
Mengambil kira perkembangan di Thailand sekarang, persoalan yang berlegar dalam minda pemerhati politik Malaysia ialah bilakah Anwar Ibrahim akan berjaya mendapatkan sokongan yang mencukupi dari ahli-ahli parlimen parti-parti dalam BN untuk merealisasikan hasrat beliau untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia?
Reaksi Menteri Luar Rais Yatim yang menyambut baik pelantikan Abhisit sebagai PM Thailand menimbulkan persoalan yang kedua iaitu adakah Rais Yatim akan juga mengalu-alukan pelantikan Anwar sebagai PM sekiranya Anwar berjaya menjadi PM melalui "pintu belakang" seperti yang dilakukan oleh Abhisit di Thailand iaitu tanpa menghadapi pilihanraya yang baru?
Ataupun ia hanyalah setakat cakap kosong dan untuk mensyokkan orang lain sahaja tetapi tak pernah jujur dengan segala yang di ucapkan. - Loka
-English version below-
Abhisit can, what about Anwar?
The leader of Democratic Party of Thailand Abhisit Vejjajiva who controls a minority seats in Parliament managed to secure enough support of some pro-Thaksin's parliamentarian to be elected the next Prime Minister fo Thailand. He will appointed PM once King Bhumipol gave his majesty's consent.
Taking note of the event in Thailand, the thoughts playing in the head of political observers in Malaysia is when will Anwar Ibrahim be able to draw enough support from some parliamentarians in BN parties to fulfil his dream to be PM of Malaysia?
Foreign Minster Rais Yatim positive response towards Abhisit's appointment will also give rise to another question. Is Rais prepared to welcome Anwar's appointment as PM even though it is through the "back door" just as Abhisit's in Thailand, without facing the electorates in a general election?
Or it's just empty talk to make others happy but was never intended to be honest in whatever spoken? - Loka
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
MCA Shadow Committee
Another small group of MCA members led by an academician Dr Daphne Loke teamed up today to form an Integrity Watch Group to oversee and monitor the development and performance of its leaders and related issues. These loose group of mostly obscure MCA members hopes to analyse issues concerning MCA and its leaders and then provide the necessary suggestions to improve the party.
With the current "tense" atmosphere between president Ong Tee Keat and deputy president Dr Chua Soi Lek, it will not escape the observation of members and outsiders that this group functions as a watch-dog on the various committee and bureaus within MCA especially the Government Policy Monitoring Committee headed by Soi Lek.
Is it possible that this new loose group, while claiming to be concerned members of MCA is actually a front to shadow the Government Policy Monitoring Committee's to ensure its' actions are within acceptable level of MCA? - Loka
Ong Tee Keat,
Political Party,
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Peoples' Hero
The original Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Damansara in Kampung Baru Damansara, Petaling Jaya is expected to be re-opened on 5 Jan 2009, albeit with a new name SJKC Chung Hwa, for the intake of 2009 new students. The school was closed by the authorities since 2 Jan 2001 claiming over-crowding and the school's location near the SPRINT Highway which cause traffic problems . The authorities then built a new school 4km away at Tropicana to replace the new school.
The closing down of the school invited strong protests from the local residents, Dong Jiao Zong, NGO's, political parties and many others. They objected to the arguments that the school is not conducive to function as a school and for the safety of the school children.
It is such an unintelligent argument to close a school. If the argument is valid, many schools in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Ipoh and Penang would had been closed down due to proximity to highways, main roads, flyovers, monorails and LRT tracks. Some of these schools has been around for a long time and produced many society and corporate leaders.
After a long and hard fought eight years the school re-opening will be warmly welcome by the people especially the people of Kampung Baru Damansara that had struggled and supported the cause all these years.
You guys are the peoples' hero. Bravo and congratullations! - Loka
Thursday, December 11, 2008
As the clock ticks 1:30pm
The time was minutes before 1:30pm on 11 Dec 1993. It was a Saturday. People were having a good rest at their respective home sweet home after a week of hard work to pay off all the bills. Families were having a home cook lunch, kids were having fun with their parents, youngsters listening to the latest music and the some was playing some board games or tendering to their little balcony gardens.
It has been raining for for the past 10 days, so it was better choice to stay home.
The location was at the Highland Towers, Hulu Klang, District of Gombak, Selangor. The three apartment blocks 1, 2 and 3 were built on the hilly area which provides a picturesque view of the Kuala Lumpur city.
At about 1:30pm on that fateful day, Block 1 of Highland Towers collapsed. By the time the rescue operation was called off, 48 persons were already found dead.
There is no more laughter with joy. The whole area was swept with sadness and the cries of those who lost their love ones and belongings in a short moment when nature showed its might.
After 15 years the site holds memory only to those who mourn their loss until nature decides to teach mankind a lesson via the nearby Bukit Antarabangsa.
It was another weekend but the residents at Bukit Antarabangsa were sound asleep this time. A landslide that flattened 14 bungalows and claimed 4 lives so far is another lesson from mother nature.
But will mankind, human greed and the powers-that-be will ever learn to respect and fear the real power of nature? - Loka
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Check out KLM - Fill a Plane - Promote your plane
I want you to take a look at : KLM - Fill a Plane - Promote your plane
Friday, December 5, 2008
Beyond Kuala Terengganu by-election
The coming by-election in January 17 next year for the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary will not only a test for the selected candidates but also for other interested parties and individual politicians.
The contest is expected to be a direct fight between Umno/BN against PAS/PR although independent candidates cannot be written off as a spoiler. The late Razali Ismail of Umno won the seat with a slim majority in the last election and do not expect a big majority for the winner this time around. Historically this seat has been changing hands between Umno and Pas with slim majorities.
The anointed PM-to-be Najib Razak will be hard-up to retain this seat as a moral booster for him to take over from Abdullah Badawi in coming March. Following tradition, Najib is expected to lead the BN campaign and he cannot risked being slewed by PR in this by-election as happened in Permatang Pauh. It will be some sort of a vote of confidence for Najib if BN wins but if Pas grabbed the seat, it can be taken as a cue that the people are having doubts about his leadership.
Umno as a party will be pressurized to take this seat. Since 308 general election, this embattled party has been whacked by it's component and opposition parties on various contentious issues. If it lose this seat it will add more misery to it's already wounded image as the dominant party of BN. To ensure this did not happens, the party will be pulling out all it's tricks under it's sleeves and playing to the gallery of Malay majority voters.
Politicians aiming for posts in the March Umno election who can spare their internal party campaigning hours will be trooping to Kuala Terengganu to make their presence felt and many won't be suprised if words coming from their mouth are to boost their standing in the eyes of Umno delegates rather than fishing for voters of the constituency. Do not be alarmed if there arises many copycats of the infamous Ahmad Ismail as in the Permatang Pauh by-election. The aim is to score political points for themselves, not for Umno or BN.
The Bandar state seat within Kuala Terengganu is the only seat held by MCA as most Chinese voters are concentrated in this urban area. This will be the primary area which MCA will set up their operation center. Basing on the slim majority in previous Kuala Terengganu contests, the Chinese votes will be crucial for both sides of the political divide. Can MCA deliver the Chinese votes under the new leadership of Ong Tee Keat? This will be Tee Keat's first foray in a by-election since elected MCA president and he need to prove his leadership not only via his linguistic style but to deliver the Chinese votes to Umno.
On the other hand, Tee Keat most probably will not be actively campaigning in KT but dispatch his trusted ally Wong Foon Meng to lead the MCA campaign. Although Foon Meng is not considered a heavyweight, to the surprised of many he was picked by Tee Keat to be MCA's secretary general after the party's election. As the third in line of the party hierachy and also a KT local boy who was also a former state exco, Foon Meng is expected to be given the mandate to lead MCA's campaign in KT. It will be an opportunity for him to justified to some of his comrades who is still doubtful of his capability that he qualifies to be the secretary general and also chairman of the MCA Selangor state committee.
As for PAS, the main challenge will be on the shoulder of it's president Hadi Awang who is based in Terengganu. He lost Terengganu to Umno in 2004 after winning it in 1999 and was it's Menteri Besar. Then Pas Terengganu performed lack-lustrely in 2008 when Pakatan Rakyat took four states while retaining Kelantan. Hadi Awang have to redeem his pride and stature not only in the eyes of his comrades in Pas but also his counterparts in Pakatan Rakyat.
It is very obvious that Hadi Awang presence in PR are not significant, most of the time Pas face in PR are represented by it's deputy president Nasharuddin Isa or some other second liners. It will Hadi's fight for his national political standing especially in the opposition front which is dominated by Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang.
With 11 days of campaigning and impact to the stakeholders, do expect the monsoon season in the east coast state to be more ferocious than usual. - Loka
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Magic formula for unity
What's the magic formula,
for unity in a diverse society?
The caveman wants all to ignite fire using only rock,
The fisherman demands all to eat only fish
and a farmer wants all to consume only greens.
A religious preacher preaches that his faith is the only way,
The nationalist says all must uses only the same language.
A communist wants all to read the Red book.
A fast food owner says eating burgers is the food to unity.
A white insists all to be the same color.
A sportsman muscles his way to ensure all citizens involved in sports.
A movie director wants all to act according to his directive.
A musician wants all to dance to his tune.
A beggar wants all to wear only loin and tattered clothes.
and a political animal will say anything under the sky as long as he achieves his ambition!- Loka
for unity in a diverse society?
The caveman wants all to ignite fire using only rock,
The fisherman demands all to eat only fish
and a farmer wants all to consume only greens.
A religious preacher preaches that his faith is the only way,
The nationalist says all must uses only the same language.
A communist wants all to read the Red book.
A fast food owner says eating burgers is the food to unity.
A white insists all to be the same color.
A sportsman muscles his way to ensure all citizens involved in sports.
A movie director wants all to act according to his directive.
A musician wants all to dance to his tune.
A beggar wants all to wear only loin and tattered clothes.
and a political animal will say anything under the sky as long as he achieves his ambition!- Loka
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