As of today the influenza A H1N1 flu pandemic already claimed 71 lives throughout the country. What is the Ministry of Health up to? The whole country is getting worried day by day and national day parades has been called off or down graded to a smaller scale. It won't be surprising if parents of school children will take the initiative to self declare an extended school holidays for their beloved children.
Did the Health Ministry authorities made a big blunder and ill advised the minister from taking a more proactive action during the initial stage of the flu attack on this country? Flip-flop decisions were made on the roles of the reference hospitals for the H1N1 to the prescription of the Tamilflu drugs. Something is not right somewhere with the top decision makers in the ministry.
Since these guys are already drained of any new measure to eradicate this flu, please paused a while and look upon alternative intervention in the form of divine power.
During the Buddha's time a city by the name of Vesali was afflicted with famine and thence causing death to many people. The huge number of death bodies from the famine causes a epidemic. The people from the city then seek help from the Buddha who was residing at Rajagaha.
The Buddha recited the Ratana Sutta to Venerable Ananda who then went around Vesali with the people of Licchavi doing the same. The city was finally cleared of the plague and all evil spirits roaming the city were excorcised.
If Health minister Liow Tiong Lai do not have anymore ideas or is not getting the right advise from his advisers and top officials to address this pandemic, I think it is time for him to visit a Buddhist temple and recite the Ratana Sutta (Jewel Discourse) together with the Buddhist community to eradicate this killer disease. - Loka
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