So PM Najib wants the Royal Military College (RMC) to increase the intake of non Malays students to 30% as a boost to his 1Malaysia concept. Good move PM, but how many students RMC will actually take in after their PMR (lower secondary public exam)? Even if it is 1,000 students per intake, that will be only 300 non-Malays students. How to achieve 1Malaysia concept when there are more than 600,000 PMR students each year!
If he is dead serious about 1Malaysia and wants it to flow down to the people from all walks of life, he should also ensure the 30% or more intakes of non Malays into the MRSM ( Residential Science College), Matriculation courses, Polytechnics and other colleges and institutions funded by the taxpayers money.
If this is just another piece meal action for scoring political points, the meaning of 1Malaysia will just remained within a few in the Prime Minister's Department. And of course minus Nasir "jual tubuh" Safar. - Loka