After the 2011 Budget was presented live on national TV by PM Najib, I went to have teh tarik at my regular mamak joint with a friend. From the many issues discussed, the proposed 100 storeys tower to be built around the iconic Stadium Merdeka was the highlight.
Various questions about the need to have such a building were raised but before my cuppa of teh tarik reached the bottom, a quirky suggestion was made. Maybe the building will looks like a "bird house" which are gaining popularity in Malaysia.
Why not? The tallest "bird house" in the world! It will surely be registered in the Malaysia Book of Records or even Guinness Book of Records. Other than the swiftlets producing tonnes of bird nests for export, it will surely be listed as an attraction for tourists from all over the world. Wow. A fully occupied building, albeit by the swiftlets, will surely increases the national coffers. On top of that it will cover Kuala Lumpur with renewal layers of bird shit! JKR don't have to re-surface the roads anymore. The birds will do it! - Loka