For those who attended or even misses the breakthru DAP dinner held at Summit Subang Jaya last year, this is the time again the local USJ East DAP branch brings to you another event not to be missed this year. The dinner will be on Saturday, 7.00pm, 5 March 2011 at the SJK (C ) Chee Wen, USJ 1, Subang Jaya.
The speakers for the dinner this year comprises representatives from all Pakatan Rakyat components and also DAP representatives from different states.
Come and listen in person the indomitable V. Sivakumar, DAP Perak deputy Chairman and ADUN for Tronoh who stood his ground to defend democracy and the people's power.
Khalid Samad , the PAS Shah Alam MP who gained the respect of many for his inclusive perspective and respect the right of everyone to practise his or her own religion.
The young and vocal ADUN of Seri Setia who is also PKR's director of communication, Nik Nazmi will be sharing his views to his friendly neighbors.
All the way from Negri Sembilan will be the head of the DAP Socialist Youth and MP for Rasah Anthony Loke Siew Fook.
Teresa Kok , Selangor Senior Exco, who came last year will be addressing the diners this time as the recently appointed DAP Selangor chairperson.
The person who puts more meaning to the role of a State Assembly Speaker Teng Chang Khim will be coming to share his wits in addressing political issues.
As the local ADUN, Hannah Yeoh is still working as hard as ever, even during her pregnancy. She will be providing her report on her work for Subang Jayans for the past one year.
Come and join us in this exciting and informative event. Call 016-916 1535 now for more details.