Every right thinking and cultured person should give a chance to themselves to accept his apology disregarding the actual intention behind the apology or the the level of sincerity carrying the remarks.
Tracing back the keris wielding and kissing incidents, I still can remembered vividly my thoughts during that time in response to the Education minister's antics. I was thinking," Hey, what is the Education minister trying to potray and teach the school children? Is he telling the millions of students under his watch that is it alright to brandish your weapon as you like? " What moral authority is left with him to set policies to educate our children and execute disciplinary actions on wayward students when the head of the education ministry himself are inviting a serious diciplinary case against him?
What the heck? It is already over and the person was given a lashing by millions of voters recently. So, we forgive him-lah but as a teacher usually tells a wayward student after giving him a disciplinary action," be a good boy and next time don't do it again, O.K? If not, be prepared for more lashing.
BTW, when is your cousin going to apologise for his speech in 1987 where he vowed to bathe the keris with Chinese blood? Since he said you would not lose the dignity by apologizing, when is his coming? People can forgive you but still cannot forget your cousin's action. Hopes he still has the dignity to be PM.
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