Tomorrow will be a new year for those celebrating it the Romans way. New resolutions, new aspirations are a norm for many who has been doing it every year without fail.
The past already gone,
do not cling onto it.
The future yet to come,
do not keep dreaming on it.
Live life the most everyday.
We do not know what will it be the next day.
Everyday is a good day if we can make it to be.
Some things are not within our control so let it be.
What in our mind is our own affairs.
We can managed and control it.
Let it be free from life's challenges.
Moment by moment.
Wishing all readers the best time of their life.
Every moment of it as you read this words. -Loka
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Stranded in a Ferris Wheel

My family and I were on a large ferris wheel yesterday afternoon, in carriage 28 to be exact.
It went for six rounds under the afternoon sun at about 5.00pm. At that moment the Singapore Flyer went kaput and 173 people were stranded on the 165 metre high Ferris Wheel.
Well, lucky for us. We were riding a Ferris Wheel during that time alright but in a different one. We were in carriage 28 of the Eye On Malaysia in Melaka, not the one in Singapore.
There was a Singaporean family on carriage 29 and they must be thankful that they were in a Malaysian Ferris Wheel rather than the faulty Singaporean wheel. - Loka
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Abhisit's political broom
Last night TV news showed Abhisit Vejjajiva the new Thai PM holding the broom to clean the Government House compound which was gate crashed and seized by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) for about four months. The place was left with much rubbish and awful sight caused by the forced occupation by PAD.
Abhisit will need more than a bigger and stronger broom to clean-up the state of affairs now afflicting Thailand. Being the third PM in a short span of four months he will need all the strength and support he can get to oversee the shambled economy and battered image of Thailand in the eyes of international community.
That will be easier said than done.
Even though he is reaching out to core supporters of former Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra in his stronghold regions, that will be a very challenging task as Thaksin's is still remote controlling the recently turned opposition groups of former PMs Somchai Wongsawat and Samak Sundaravej.
To ensure he will sustain longer than his predecessors, maybe he need the broom to sweep away the bad luck afflicting the PM position in Thailand. - Loka
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Abhisit boleh, Anwar macam mana?
Abhisit Vejjajiva dari Parti Demokratik sudah berjaya meraih sokongan dari ahli-ahli parlimen Thailand termasuk dari pihak lawan untuk dinobatkan sebagai Perdana Menteri apabila mendapat restu Raja Bhumipol nanti. Walaupun Abhisit mempunyai jumlah kerusi minoriti dalam parlimen, dia telah mempengaruhi sejumlah ahli parlimen pro-Thaksin untuk menukar kiblat ketaatan dan memberikan sokongan kepadanya untuk dipilih sebagai PM.
Mengambil kira perkembangan di Thailand sekarang, persoalan yang berlegar dalam minda pemerhati politik Malaysia ialah bilakah Anwar Ibrahim akan berjaya mendapatkan sokongan yang mencukupi dari ahli-ahli parlimen parti-parti dalam BN untuk merealisasikan hasrat beliau untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia?
Reaksi Menteri Luar Rais Yatim yang menyambut baik pelantikan Abhisit sebagai PM Thailand menimbulkan persoalan yang kedua iaitu adakah Rais Yatim akan juga mengalu-alukan pelantikan Anwar sebagai PM sekiranya Anwar berjaya menjadi PM melalui "pintu belakang" seperti yang dilakukan oleh Abhisit di Thailand iaitu tanpa menghadapi pilihanraya yang baru?
Ataupun ia hanyalah setakat cakap kosong dan untuk mensyokkan orang lain sahaja tetapi tak pernah jujur dengan segala yang di ucapkan. - Loka
-English version below-
Abhisit can, what about Anwar?
The leader of Democratic Party of Thailand Abhisit Vejjajiva who controls a minority seats in Parliament managed to secure enough support of some pro-Thaksin's parliamentarian to be elected the next Prime Minister fo Thailand. He will appointed PM once King Bhumipol gave his majesty's consent.
Taking note of the event in Thailand, the thoughts playing in the head of political observers in Malaysia is when will Anwar Ibrahim be able to draw enough support from some parliamentarians in BN parties to fulfil his dream to be PM of Malaysia?
Foreign Minster Rais Yatim positive response towards Abhisit's appointment will also give rise to another question. Is Rais prepared to welcome Anwar's appointment as PM even though it is through the "back door" just as Abhisit's in Thailand, without facing the electorates in a general election?
Or it's just empty talk to make others happy but was never intended to be honest in whatever spoken? - Loka
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
MCA Shadow Committee
Another small group of MCA members led by an academician Dr Daphne Loke teamed up today to form an Integrity Watch Group to oversee and monitor the development and performance of its leaders and related issues. These loose group of mostly obscure MCA members hopes to analyse issues concerning MCA and its leaders and then provide the necessary suggestions to improve the party.
With the current "tense" atmosphere between president Ong Tee Keat and deputy president Dr Chua Soi Lek, it will not escape the observation of members and outsiders that this group functions as a watch-dog on the various committee and bureaus within MCA especially the Government Policy Monitoring Committee headed by Soi Lek.
Is it possible that this new loose group, while claiming to be concerned members of MCA is actually a front to shadow the Government Policy Monitoring Committee's to ensure its' actions are within acceptable level of MCA? - Loka
Ong Tee Keat,
Political Party,
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Peoples' Hero
The original Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Damansara in Kampung Baru Damansara, Petaling Jaya is expected to be re-opened on 5 Jan 2009, albeit with a new name SJKC Chung Hwa, for the intake of 2009 new students. The school was closed by the authorities since 2 Jan 2001 claiming over-crowding and the school's location near the SPRINT Highway which cause traffic problems . The authorities then built a new school 4km away at Tropicana to replace the new school.
The closing down of the school invited strong protests from the local residents, Dong Jiao Zong, NGO's, political parties and many others. They objected to the arguments that the school is not conducive to function as a school and for the safety of the school children.
It is such an unintelligent argument to close a school. If the argument is valid, many schools in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Ipoh and Penang would had been closed down due to proximity to highways, main roads, flyovers, monorails and LRT tracks. Some of these schools has been around for a long time and produced many society and corporate leaders.
After a long and hard fought eight years the school re-opening will be warmly welcome by the people especially the people of Kampung Baru Damansara that had struggled and supported the cause all these years.
You guys are the peoples' hero. Bravo and congratullations! - Loka
Thursday, December 11, 2008
As the clock ticks 1:30pm
The time was minutes before 1:30pm on 11 Dec 1993. It was a Saturday. People were having a good rest at their respective home sweet home after a week of hard work to pay off all the bills. Families were having a home cook lunch, kids were having fun with their parents, youngsters listening to the latest music and the some was playing some board games or tendering to their little balcony gardens.
It has been raining for for the past 10 days, so it was better choice to stay home.
The location was at the Highland Towers, Hulu Klang, District of Gombak, Selangor. The three apartment blocks 1, 2 and 3 were built on the hilly area which provides a picturesque view of the Kuala Lumpur city.
At about 1:30pm on that fateful day, Block 1 of Highland Towers collapsed. By the time the rescue operation was called off, 48 persons were already found dead.
There is no more laughter with joy. The whole area was swept with sadness and the cries of those who lost their love ones and belongings in a short moment when nature showed its might.
After 15 years the site holds memory only to those who mourn their loss until nature decides to teach mankind a lesson via the nearby Bukit Antarabangsa.
It was another weekend but the residents at Bukit Antarabangsa were sound asleep this time. A landslide that flattened 14 bungalows and claimed 4 lives so far is another lesson from mother nature.
But will mankind, human greed and the powers-that-be will ever learn to respect and fear the real power of nature? - Loka
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Check out KLM - Fill a Plane - Promote your plane
I want you to take a look at : KLM - Fill a Plane - Promote your plane
Friday, December 5, 2008
Beyond Kuala Terengganu by-election
The coming by-election in January 17 next year for the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary will not only a test for the selected candidates but also for other interested parties and individual politicians.
The contest is expected to be a direct fight between Umno/BN against PAS/PR although independent candidates cannot be written off as a spoiler. The late Razali Ismail of Umno won the seat with a slim majority in the last election and do not expect a big majority for the winner this time around. Historically this seat has been changing hands between Umno and Pas with slim majorities.
The anointed PM-to-be Najib Razak will be hard-up to retain this seat as a moral booster for him to take over from Abdullah Badawi in coming March. Following tradition, Najib is expected to lead the BN campaign and he cannot risked being slewed by PR in this by-election as happened in Permatang Pauh. It will be some sort of a vote of confidence for Najib if BN wins but if Pas grabbed the seat, it can be taken as a cue that the people are having doubts about his leadership.
Umno as a party will be pressurized to take this seat. Since 308 general election, this embattled party has been whacked by it's component and opposition parties on various contentious issues. If it lose this seat it will add more misery to it's already wounded image as the dominant party of BN. To ensure this did not happens, the party will be pulling out all it's tricks under it's sleeves and playing to the gallery of Malay majority voters.
Politicians aiming for posts in the March Umno election who can spare their internal party campaigning hours will be trooping to Kuala Terengganu to make their presence felt and many won't be suprised if words coming from their mouth are to boost their standing in the eyes of Umno delegates rather than fishing for voters of the constituency. Do not be alarmed if there arises many copycats of the infamous Ahmad Ismail as in the Permatang Pauh by-election. The aim is to score political points for themselves, not for Umno or BN.
The Bandar state seat within Kuala Terengganu is the only seat held by MCA as most Chinese voters are concentrated in this urban area. This will be the primary area which MCA will set up their operation center. Basing on the slim majority in previous Kuala Terengganu contests, the Chinese votes will be crucial for both sides of the political divide. Can MCA deliver the Chinese votes under the new leadership of Ong Tee Keat? This will be Tee Keat's first foray in a by-election since elected MCA president and he need to prove his leadership not only via his linguistic style but to deliver the Chinese votes to Umno.
On the other hand, Tee Keat most probably will not be actively campaigning in KT but dispatch his trusted ally Wong Foon Meng to lead the MCA campaign. Although Foon Meng is not considered a heavyweight, to the surprised of many he was picked by Tee Keat to be MCA's secretary general after the party's election. As the third in line of the party hierachy and also a KT local boy who was also a former state exco, Foon Meng is expected to be given the mandate to lead MCA's campaign in KT. It will be an opportunity for him to justified to some of his comrades who is still doubtful of his capability that he qualifies to be the secretary general and also chairman of the MCA Selangor state committee.
As for PAS, the main challenge will be on the shoulder of it's president Hadi Awang who is based in Terengganu. He lost Terengganu to Umno in 2004 after winning it in 1999 and was it's Menteri Besar. Then Pas Terengganu performed lack-lustrely in 2008 when Pakatan Rakyat took four states while retaining Kelantan. Hadi Awang have to redeem his pride and stature not only in the eyes of his comrades in Pas but also his counterparts in Pakatan Rakyat.
It is very obvious that Hadi Awang presence in PR are not significant, most of the time Pas face in PR are represented by it's deputy president Nasharuddin Isa or some other second liners. It will Hadi's fight for his national political standing especially in the opposition front which is dominated by Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang.
With 11 days of campaigning and impact to the stakeholders, do expect the monsoon season in the east coast state to be more ferocious than usual. - Loka
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Magic formula for unity
What's the magic formula,
for unity in a diverse society?
The caveman wants all to ignite fire using only rock,
The fisherman demands all to eat only fish
and a farmer wants all to consume only greens.
A religious preacher preaches that his faith is the only way,
The nationalist says all must uses only the same language.
A communist wants all to read the Red book.
A fast food owner says eating burgers is the food to unity.
A white insists all to be the same color.
A sportsman muscles his way to ensure all citizens involved in sports.
A movie director wants all to act according to his directive.
A musician wants all to dance to his tune.
A beggar wants all to wear only loin and tattered clothes.
and a political animal will say anything under the sky as long as he achieves his ambition!- Loka
for unity in a diverse society?
The caveman wants all to ignite fire using only rock,
The fisherman demands all to eat only fish
and a farmer wants all to consume only greens.
A religious preacher preaches that his faith is the only way,
The nationalist says all must uses only the same language.
A communist wants all to read the Red book.
A fast food owner says eating burgers is the food to unity.
A white insists all to be the same color.
A sportsman muscles his way to ensure all citizens involved in sports.
A movie director wants all to act according to his directive.
A musician wants all to dance to his tune.
A beggar wants all to wear only loin and tattered clothes.
and a political animal will say anything under the sky as long as he achieves his ambition!- Loka
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Is your blood Red too?
The guy who was local ethnic politician and community leader was showing his displeasure that the venue of the youth program was to be held at the town centre community hall which was built and managed by the Chinese community. He wanted to shifted the venue to another hall which was out of town and will not attract the public to participate due to transportation limitation. His proposal was clearly not supported by all in the meeting including officers from government agencies who attended the meeting.
His confrontational attitude has been very obvious and can be clearly felt the moment my colleague and I arrived from Kuala Lumpur to attend the program's local organising committee meeting. It came to our realisation later this sort of behaviour coming from a local community leader with a Datuk title in front of his name was due to his mental block in coming to terms with the whole set up of the program.
Since it was a program for the youth, the Ministry of Youth and Sports had assigned the task of hosting and managing it to a Chinese-based national level youth organisation. The launching ceremony of the program was decided by the youth organisation to be held in a town which they are confident to have good response and also manpower to organise it. Since it is a Chinese-based youth organisation naturally the head and committee members are mostly Chinese.
This guy must be shocked when the representative who showed up from the Malaysian Youth Council (MYC)who are tasked to monitor and advised on the program is also a Chinese youth leader who is also a vice president of the MYC. This guy was so "irritated" by this situation that during the meeting he blurted out his narrow-minded thought when he commented that the program is "too Chinese"!
My goodness! I said to myself. Where does this guy comes from? Where has he been living all this while? We were trying to organise a program for the youth and community and this guy couldn't accept that the people who are running it are mostly Chinese youth leaders and starts to throw racialistic views into the meeting. The biggest joke of all is that the purpose of the program itself will be 100% purely non-racial. It was a blood donation campaign!
Is the color of the blood of a Chinese, Malay, Indian, Iban and a Kadazan is of any difference? NO! All our blood are RED irrespective of our racial origin, state, country or continent. Maybe I can't say much for those beings from other planets whose blood, if they have any, are red in color.
I would like to think this guy attitude is not due to his blood color is any different from any of us but is cause by the colors he sees in his heart. He just can't accept the reality that the whole government organised and sponsored program was run by youth leaders who happens to be Chinese.
Most in this country has been accepting leadership by people of different background with an open heart, color blind and warm embrace. Why certain people can't behave the same without any tinkle of domination, narrow-mindedness, myopic view and making judgment based on colors of the skin?
We need to be far-sighted, magnanimous and big-hearted if we want's to develop and continue living peacefully in this colorful country. - Loka
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Reds Vs The Yellows
It's getting absurd and self defeating when people took their fight against an elected but despised government to one of the busiest international airport in Asia.
The action of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) in seizing Suvarnabhumi International Airport and Don Muang Airport in Bangkok might ends up getting more than what they bargained for.
Their actions had directly affected thousands of international travellers from many countries which I am sure will not be sharing about the beautiful beaches they visited or the cheap bargain they got from Thailand when they finally arrived home but the frightening and life threatening experience they went through at the airports.
Emergency rule was just declared at the airports by the embattled PM Somchai Wongsawat a while ago. By the time the Thai police and army units marches into the airports in the next few hours, the airport runways and PAD supporters yellow T-shirts will most probably turn red as the PAD anti-government will fight it out for the final stand. It seems things are getting out of control and the PAD leaders will be washing blood from the tarmac if sensibility do not prevails on both sides.
While this scenario is unveil moment by moment, the Thai armed forces will be watching closely and will launch a coup de'tat, an usual happening in the history of Thailand. Bangkokians are so use to it that life goes on as usual in the midst of a coup. The only real worry in many heads now is whether there will be civil strife between the reds and the yellows. The red being the pro-government protesters and yellow the anti-government protesters. Once this happens, Thailand will be really in a hot pot of Tom Yam Kung! - Loka
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
To remember the person or the road
While in Ipoh for the weekend it draws me to the recent public re-action on the issue of re-naming Jalan Silibin to the name of the late P.Patto, a former stalwart of the Democratic Action Party.
The intention of the Perak PR state government was to remember the late DAP leader as a gesture of recognition for his contribution to society. It became an issue when some residents in Jalan Silibin and some other place objected to the proposal. While it is the right of each individual to voice their opinions it must be justified with facts which is truthful. Those who objected to it by claiming P. Patto did not do anything for the people must either be living in another country or just did not bother to look back on history.
Even though I do not know the late P. Patto personally, he was a very well known to the people of Perak during his time. Amongst my school friends in Teluk Intan who cares to read the newspapers about him in the 1970s and 1980s, we know of his pursuits for justice and democracy. The only time I had the "privilege" to talk to him was when I was in secondary school during a DAP ceramah at the San Min Primary School Open hall. I was curious to listen to the DAP leaders that time and since the ceramah was not in a closed door, I just stand near the stage and listen. Just as interested as what is DAP all about I ends up buying a copy of the DAP newsletter "Rocket" for 40sen. The person who sold me the "Rocket" was non other than the humble P. Patto himself!
I was dumbfounded. A top DAP leader selling the newsletter to me for 40 sen and he even did out the coins from his pocket give me back the change! If I am older that time, I would have been embarassed to asked for the change! DAP was not a rich party back then. I don't know about now though?
Talking about road names also enables me to shared with my kids when we drove past Jalan Koo Chong Kong at the Ipoh old town. I told them it was named after the former Perak Chief Police who was assasinated by the communist in the 1975 while serving there. Some years ago there was an attempt to erase Koo Chong Kong's name the then city council plans to change the road name to Jalan Tabung Haji but was prevented due to public out-cry.
For those powers-that-be, whichever party you represented, please a prepare a well research proposal before you come out with any bright ideas to change the names of roads, lanes, parks, buildings, towns, rivers or even the names of any states or country itself.
We were at the D.R. Seenivasagam Park last Sunday too. Hope no jokers will ever thought of changing it to another name. Read history please before you act.
By the way, what's the historical significance of the name Silibin itself. Nobody seems to highlight this matter other than what are there. - Loka
Monday, November 24, 2008
Makan makan angin
The kids and myself were having a good time relaxing on the double tube floating on the Adventure River. Reaching a bend of the man made river or more like a monsoon drain at the Lost World of Tambun themepark there was a sudden burst of water which creates waves on the so-called river. It felt like as though we were at the midst of a mini Perfect Storm. The double tubes were swaying like nobody business. Wow! that was fun and exciting!
There were two agenda on our family weekend trip to Ipoh; firstly to visit the long overdue water themepark and secondly to fulfill our gastronomical needs with the popular hawker food of Ipoh. Our troop includes mom-in-law and my wife's sister family.
My first impression on the Lost World - it was so small in comparison with its elder brother Sunway Lagoon. Anyhow, there is not much to complain since the promotional entrance fees was RM18.90 for adult and RM14.90 for children which is a fraction of the fees at Sunway Lagoon. I even received some complimentary tickets from a friend who was performing at the themepark.
The themepark was in a valley surrounded by limestones hill with greens and trees all over. Within the park was a 80 metres high free standing rocks formation known as Needle of tambun in a 400 million years old limestones valley. It was an interesting sight but since it was within the park area, it allows only those that purchased the entrance tickets to enjoy this gift of nature. What a pity!

The food galore was great. Cowan Street bean sprout chicken near the Excelsior Hotel was a yummy dinner for all of us. All the plates were wiped clean and the "hor fun" or flat rice noodles was so smooth. Early morning the next day all were geared up to fill up their load again. We headed to old town Jalan Bandar Timah and lucky to managed to secure two tables at Sin Yoon Loong coffeeshop. I waited for about about 30 minutes for a seat during my previous visit last year. The tables were soon filled with the crunchy "siew yoke"(barbecue pork), fish balls, yam cakes, hor fun soup, fried kueh tiaw, chee cheong fun, yin yong toast bread and white coffee of course! The practice here is that patrons can even order food from neighbouring coffeeshops. This enable the customers to enjoy the popular food from nearby shops without having to move from coffeeshop to coffeeshop.
After breakfast we proceed to the D.R. Seenivasagam public park. It's good to burn some calories after a heavy breakfast. The park management provides complimantary bicycle rides for kids. The kids were happy to take a bicycle each and had a good time cycling around the bicycle route. The caretaker was a nice Indian man who allows the choosy kids to change the bicycles without complain. He told me as a father of two he understands childrens fussy attitude and the job is not for those who are hot temper and easily gets angry with kids.
We went back to the hotel to wash up before checking out. The Regalodge hotel rooms is decently clean and it even provides complimentary broadband wi-fi service. The interesting part is that even though the room is small, it comes with an 32" LCD TV and cable tv channels. The only thing which I am particular was that parking was very limited and I had to park my car at the main road public parking. This hotel will be over shadowed once the now under construction immediate neighbour 15 floors Regency Hotel ready for business next year.

Lunch was a hot stuff. We had Sin Seng Fatt curry noodles and sui kau ( dumplings with pork fillings). Even my sons loved the curry with mint leaves and prawns.
The guy who sold us the "otak-otak" Penang styled dropped by again. I prefers this otak-otak to the Muar style otak-otak. He solicit his business by holding a A4-sized placard announcing his otak-otak for sale. He did not say a single word unless approach and he will pick up the banana leafs from the tables once the customers finishes. It seems this approach works well for him as the shops within his sales route did not object of him selling his stuff to the shops patrons. The patrons are not harrassed and the tables are kept clean. Very thoughtful of him indeed.
It was a "makan" trip indeed and everyone were satisfied with this short weekend trip. Maybe next year end we will be there again. It's really Makan makan angin ? - Loka
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What's in a position?
Shall a person reject an appointed position if he or she are not able to fulfill the duties and responsibilities in a conducive and respectable situation? Furthermore if the leadership that appoints the person are not providing the necessary trust, support and encouragement for him to carry out the tasks assigned to him then it will be untenable for him to stay put any longer. It will then be more honorable for him to resign and move on.
In any situation no one is indispensable. As in any organisation, leaders will come and go but what is most important is that the organisation will stay intact and serve the intended receipients as it aspired to be.
As for me, if the organisation concerned do not need my services anymore I will also do the same. What's the need to accept a position if our presence makes others felt uncomfortable and develops negative thoughts in their mind? - Loka
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
WFBY in Japan

Has been away in Japan for the past week to attend the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth (WFBY) general conference in Tokyo. Too caught up with meetings and assisting the local organiser and secretariat that deters me from updating posting in this blog. I attended the conference as an advisor of the WFBY.
WFBY was established on 26th May 1972 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. It has been based in Bangkok, Thailand since 1976 until today. The current president is Anurut Vongvanij of the Young Buddhist Association of Thailand under Royal Patronage.
Some of the major programs organised by the WFBY includes the International Buddhist Youth Exchange program, International Buddhist Youth Forum, Buddhist Youth Leadership Seminar and Training and International Art for the Dhamma.
The general conference are held every two year and hosted by different country each time. A team was elected to managed the organisation for the next two years with Anurut Vongvanij re-elected as president. For the very first time a representative from All Japan Young Buddhist Association was elected deputy president. Reverend Kantai Sakamoto, the JYBA immediate past president and organising chairman of the conference was given the honour to be elected deputy president by the delegates. I was the Election Secretary during this general conference.
I also attended the All Japan Young Buddhist Association 30th Anniversary celebration in Todaiji temple, Nara.- Loka
Friday, November 7, 2008
Obama change policy on Tibet?

Strong support for Tibet from next US President
ICT press release, November 5, 2008
The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) congratulates Barack Obama on his election to be the 44th President of the United States and anticipates strong support from the Obama Administration for Tibetan issues.
"The Tibetan people will have a friend and strong supporter in President-elect Obama," said John Ackerly, President of the International Campaign for Tibet. "This is a critical time for the Tibetan issue and we are confident that the Obama Administration will continue the existing support for Tibet and provide new energy for the efforts of the Dalai Lama to engage with the Chinese government. If we build on what Senator Obama has said about Tibet in the past, then we can expect even stronger initiatives from the Untied States in the future," Ackerly concluded.
Senator Obama has a strong record of support for Tibet and has met with the Dalai Lama to discuss human rights issues. Senator Obama attended a private Senate Foreign Relations Committee briefing with the Dalai Lama in November 2005 and has featured a photograph of himself with the Dalai Lama from that briefing in the media section of his presidential campaign website. Senator Obama has personally urged Chinese President Hu Jintao to resolve the situation in Tibet through dialogue with the Dalai Lama or his representatives, and this spring, when demonstrations spread across the Tibetan plateau, Senator Obama telephoned the Dalai Lama in India to discuss the situation. The Senator subsequently called on the Chinese to show restraint in dealing with the protests. Comments by the Senator on his phone call are available on the ICT website at Senator Obama was also a Senate sponsor of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Congressional Gold Medal Act, which awarded the nation’s highest civilian honor to the Dalai Lama in October 2007.
The Obama-Biden campaign has pledged to actively engage China on a number of issues, including human rights in Tibet and China’s crackdown on democracy and religious freedom activists. The campaign has pledged to "be frank with the Chinese about such failings and will press them to respect human rights."
Among the senior foreign policy advisors to the Obama campaign is Gregory B. Craig, the first U.S. Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues, appointed by then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1996.
This press release can be found online at
Press contact:
Kate SaundersCommunications Director, ICT
Tel: +44 7947 138612 email:
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Change is imminent
If the wave of change keeps on with the momentum, USA will be having an African descendant taking the oath as their new president on January 20 next year. As the war chant of Barack Obama campaign, CHANGE is imminent in America and every part of the world. The question is how far and how long will it takes for change to take it's effects?
I remember when I was studying in a local university years ago, some of my like-minded friends with interest on international politics took the initiative to start a discussion group on the changes happening in the international scene. We declared ourselves as the "International Politics Study Group". This is an informal group which is in no way linked to any subjects offered by the university. We are just a bunch of young student who wants to look beyond the usual papers offered by the university.
This study group organised periodic discussion on happenings in the international scene and also issues affecting world politics. We had discussion on Tian-an-men, Afghanistan and so on. We invited a representative from the local US Embassy to present their views on US interest in the Pacific. We follow up with an visit to the US embassy to further understand the making of the USA.
We are indeed blessed that the head of UKM's Political Science Department that time, Harold Crouch was very supportive of our initiative and provide the necessary departmental assistance to use university's facilities for our group activities. It is indeed a good gesture of the professor to give us a hand to further our interest for change. I am not sure how many lecturers nowadays will take the extra steps to educate their students rather than just ensuring they submit their assignments and pass their term examinations. Co-incidentally Harold's wife Khasnor Johan, was also teaching in the same university and was my final year research supervisor. Maybe due to her education and exposure in the USA, her non-patronizing and sharp approach helps me to finish my thesis with flying colours.
I also took a paper on American modern history under lecturer Pamela Sodhy. It was an interesting paper for me not only due to the subject matter but also due to the engaging approach by the lecturer. We had discussions not just for the sake of examinations but for knowlege and education. Maybe due to my consistent interest on American history, Pamela submitted my name for a Master's Program in American History in an university in the US. The offer came later which provides tuition fees and also a part-time in campus job. She was disappointed when I declined the offer. I wondered now, if I taken up the offer, what change will it be on my life destiny? Will I be a candidate in the American election too? No one will ever know.
The happenings in the USA will be constantly studied and watched all over the world as it's actions or in-actions affects and changed many in different parts of the globe. Will Barack Obama brings changes to a new world order which truly reflect it's clarion call of democracy in the US but interpreted differently when it involves countries which are not in cahoot which them? Obama might have the intention but will the American civil servant and the armed forces changed and toe the line and walk the same path? Will all Americans accept him as the president when he wins the presidential election?
We don't have to look far to realize on paper it is so but in reality it is more challenging than ever. Isn't it true that the civil servant are putting a spanner to the administration of the new state governments in Pakatan Rakyat states? These civil servants still can't accept that change is already here, whether they like it or not. If they can't take it, they should leave it. The rakyat do not owed them a living but they are responsible to the rakyat to serve them well without any sign of discrimination, lousy job attitude, witch-hunting and selective prosecution. - Loka
Friday, October 31, 2008
Government teh tarik blunders?
My favourite Hokkien mee costs RM 4.50 per plate nowadays. It was RM3.80 before June 08 and was just RM3.50 a year ago. A difference of RM1.00. My regular mamak corner also increases my usual teh tarik and tosei.
My neighbourhood chicken rice was just RM3.3o per plate a year ago and now I am paying RM4.00 for it. Serving still the same. No extras.
Consumers has been complaining why the prices of food is still the hike up price since the petrol price already dropped drastically. Price of petrol per litre was increased from RM1.92 to RM2.70 by the government in June 08 with the reason being the impact of global price increase of crude oil per barrel. So the manufacturers, transporters, supplier, retaurants, hawkers and whatsoever merrily took the opportunity to increase their prices citing sky rocketing costs.
Now crude oil per barrel already dropped to below USD70, why the food and consumers goods is still the hike up price? The law of the market is that, whenever the costs goes up, the selling price will go up; whenever the costs goes down, the price will remained the same. No use reasoning with the hawkers. I already done that umpteen times since last week. They will always blamed the suppliers or just put on a wide smile. If we asked the suppliers, they will blamed it to the farmers, transporters and whatever they can think of. The finger pointing need to stop somewhere isn't it?
Well, I think the buck should stop with the government! Why did they increase the petrol price with such a huge different? Now when the oil prices dropped, the government just reduce the petrol price bit by bit, sen by sen. Do they expect the Hokkien mee and chicken rice seller to reduce their price by 5 sen or 10 sen each time? No way man! They will tell you the petrol price reduction is so small that it makes no difference to their costs!
So, did the government make the following blunders.
1. Increase the petrol price drastically by 40% margin in June 08, which ultimately provides a good reason for everyone in the market to increase prices for their goods.
2. Reduce the petrol price in stages and in small percentage each time at about 5% only, which does not make much difference to the costs and conveniently no changes to the food selling price.
With just a little price slashing campaign side-show from the hypermarkets, do we expect all businesses to follow suit? Maybe the politician are too busy campaigning themselves to really take note on the peoples well-being. - Loka
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Najib's Fishing outing
Is Najib Razak fishing for opportunities to shake up the Umno/Malay populace to support the party? If he did, it looks like someone already taken the bait. Najib mere suggestion to liberalise the NEP received quick response from other BN component parties including MCA and MIC. Recently elected MCA vice president Liow Tiong Lai took the bait by suggesting the Malay equity quota to be abolished. After Liow's statement was made known, a flurry of Malay politicians and pseudo-politicians in various guises and clothings starts to criticised the suggestion to do away with the equity quota. It's been made to look like it's the MCA that demand for the NEP to be liberalised, not Najib's proposal! Now Najib will just sit down and watch as the drama unfolds based on his script since he is also the director!
While there are many non-Malays BN politician whom has been suggesting the same, it was usually discussed privately amongst their comrades. What makes these politicians think that just because the person that suggested it is the PM designated the statement can be accepted as the gospel truth and with sincerity. How naive some people can be! Have they forgotten to check the person's political background to ensure the suggestion was given with sincerity, without ill-will and hidden agenda. If he is serious about it, it is not necessary to hand out the bait but just do it full heartedly. - Loka
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Youth organisations used by Umno aspirants
Barring any behind the scene horse trading, three corners fight for the Umno Youth chief is confirmed between nominations leader Mukhriz Mahathir, vice chief Khairy Jamaluddin and former Selangor MB Khir Toyo.
The first two candidates are supported by a former PM and an out-going PM respectively. Does it means Khir Toyo is on his own without any back-up? It is not necessary so.
Khir will be counting on Ali Rustam's 4B Youth Movement to provide him the necessary support and campaigning manpower. It it estimated that one third of Umno' delegates are linked to the 4B. Most of the 4B national and state leaders are also leaders of Umno even though most of them are no more in the youth age category.
The movement has been fully utilised to drummed up support for Ali Rustam and Khir Toyo in last Umno's election in 2004. Even though Ali is from the small state of Malacca he managed to win second placing for the vice president position and Khir was elected with the most votes for a supreme council seat.
The recent surged of the number of nominations for Khir proves his strong networking on the ground. He may not get more nominations than Mukhriz or Khairy but when it comes to voting, the patterns expected to sway to Khir. While Ali is still trailing, with his networking he is also expected to gain enough nominations to challenged Muhyiddin Yassin for the deputy presidency.
Both Khir and Ali will be looking forward to a good harvest from delegates with youth organisations background. They were former presidents of the Malaysian Youth Council. Khir is also the current Asian Youth Council head and Ali the president of the World Assembly of Youth.
The others expected to linked up with youth organisations for support includes Entrepreneur and Cooperative Nor Omar who is 4B deputy president and Reezal Merican who is the Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung president. Nor Omar is going for the supreme council seat while Reezal is trying for the Youth vice head.
Interestingly, Reezal will missed the opportunity to contest for the MYC presidency because this year's AGM was postponed to next year by the MYC currently led by another Umno youth exco Shamsul Anuar Nasarah. By next year Reezal will be over 40 and under the Youth Act disqualified from contesting for the MYC presidency . Is this an deliberate attempt to denied Reezal the opportunity to make use of MYC as a vehicle for his Umno political networking?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Umno dan Menteri Zina
Adakah Umno/BN bersedia menerima seorang yang telah melakukan zina untuk dilantik sebagai menteri kabinet?
Ini mungkin menjadikan Perdana Menteri, sama ada yang sekarang ataupun yang akan datang amat serba salah. Walaupun parti etnik berkenaan yang akan mencalonkan politikus tersebut mengikut senioriti dalam parti, ia mungkin membawa padah kepada BN sekiranya pihak lawan terutamanya PAS menjadikan ia sebagai bahan politik mencabar kewibawaan Islam Hadhari yang diuar-uarkan oleh pihak kerajaan persekutuan BN.
Persoalannya ialah bukankah Anwar Ibrahim dipecat sebagai timbalan perdana menteri sepuluh tahun lepas atas dasar ia tidak sesuai menjadi pemimpin negara kerana melakukan perbuatan sumbang meliwat? Mampukah pihak BN dijadikan bahan jenaka seluruh negara jika melantik seseorang yang telah mengaku berzina dengan wanita yang bukan isteri sahnya. Lebih-lebih lagi perlakuan intim tersebut telah dirakam dan diedarkan dalam bentuk DVD untuk tatapan orang ramai.
Sememangnya mungkin bukan dia seorang sahaja pemimpin politik yang mempunyai kebiasaan berzina dengan wanita bukan isterinya tetapi masalahnya ialah dia telah mengaku melakukannya. Yalah, yang lain mungkin juga melakukannya tetapi mereka tidak ditangkap ataupun dirakam semasa melakukannya. Dia bolehlah dikira sebagai seorang yang "gentleman" kerana berani mengaku di depan kaca kamera dan pihak akhbar.
Yang menarik ialah terdapat golongan tertentu (seperti perwakilan yang mengundi beliau dalam pemilihan parti) menyokong beliau atas dasar kemampuan politik dan kepemimpinan beliau, perlakuan peribadi kekal sebagai urusan peribadinya. Tetapi untuk mereka yang tidak mengenali politik kepartian ataupun mengikuti perkembangan politik negara, kemungkinan akan timbul fahaman bahawa parti itu sebenarnya memperakui perbuatan zina ataupun pada hakikatnya perwakilan-perwakilan yang mengundi beliau juga melakukan perkara yang sama! Maka itu ia dibolehkan kerana pemimpin besar telah melakukannya dan akan memimpin kita ke arah itu!
Kesian mereka yang tidak mengundi beliau kerana walaupun tidak menyokong ahli politik itu, mereka juga akan menghadapi cemuhan yang sama dari orang ramai. Lembu-lembu sekandang juga terpalit dengan lumpur dan najis kerana semua dalam kandang yang sama.
Will Umno accepts sex tainted as minister?
Will BN or more specifically Umno, accepts a sex scandal tainted politician back into the Cabinet?
It is interesting to note the re-entry of a sex scandal tainted politician into a high level position in his party. The choice of the party delegates to elect a politician who openly admits being adulterous and quits his government and political positions in a huff invites comments on the wisdom and mentality of the delegates.
Even though the politician was elected with less than 50% of the votes, the support he got had vindicated him in one way or another. It shows that about half of the delegates had put the difference between personal and public affairs and judge the person based on his capability in the party and the government. His sexual waywardness which ends up in a sex DVD distributed for public consumption was not an issue to them. The delegates that voted for him prefers to acknowledge his public service rather than his personal service!
That’s what delegates from this school of thoughts wants to believe.
On the other side of the coin it can also be deduced that the delegates way of thinking are also based on their personal beliefs and also practice. Will it be too preposterous to derive that the delegates that voted for him also had the tendency to be sexually wayward as the elected one. Are these delegates choice reflects their own personal intention too? The message the delegates want to put across is that it is alright to commit adultery and bring disrepute to their family and party. Just don’t get caught doing it and if you do, all one’s need to do is admit it in front of the press and TV cameras. Then in an instance it turns from zero to hero.
Indirectly it also reflects the party’s stand – go ahead and commits adultery; you are most welcome to lead us doing it after that!
The contribution of this sex scandal tainted politician will now moves a step higher – the Cabinet. Based on convention he is expected be appointed a full minister by the PM of the BN government upon recommendation by his party president. But there will be some criteria or even obstacles that needed to be sort out before he can become a minister.
First, whether he himself prepared to accepts the nomination. With his tainted background, will he be able to perform his duties as before? Will his re-entry into the cabinet brings good tidings to his party or will it dragged the party to worse and lower ebb? As an old man he ought to be able wiser in his judgment.
Secondly, he is neither an MP nor Senator which means he can’t be appointed as Minister unless he becomes either one. The easier one will be via the back door i.e. to make him a Senator. The other choice is for him to contest a by-election and wins it. That means someone needs to vacate a seat for him. The choice of seat will be obvious, which is his former seat that was handed over to his son in the recent general election. It sounds very much a family affair which he openly criticized during the party election campaign. That’s OK! He just requires admitting it openly that he practices nepotism and his party people are expected to accept it. The difficult part will be to convince the constituency voters especially during this political climate when Umno may be too busy and reluctant to campaign for a sex tainted candidate to fish for the Malay-Muslim votes in the constituency.
Thirdly, even if he is appointed as Senator or elected as an MP in a by-election he will face the final hurdle to walk into the Cabinet. With his tainted background, which Umno PM will want to take the risk to bring in a person whom committed “zina” (adultery) into an “Islamic” country Cabinet? It is not that the other ministers are as holy as a saint or all are ulamaks (as mentioned by the politician previously) or without any hint of sexual misconduct. The problem is no ministers ever admitted berzina (adultery) with other women who are not their legally married wife.
PAS will have a field day attacking Umno on the un-Islamic nature of the Cabinet. Will Umno and the PM take the risks for the sake of one politician and party which Umno considers non-consequential in the running of the country? - Loka
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Talking About Soldiers on Paper
A new MCA leadership has been elected on Oct 19 with a mixed of characters and players. Ong Tee Keat as expected by political observers beat Chua Jui Meng for the presidency. Dr Chua Soi Lek dramatically pipped Ong Ka Chuan to be the new deputy president while Dr Ng Yen Yen created MCA history when she secured a seat as the vice president. As an initiative for reform and planning for the future, many new and young faces were given the opportunity to be elected as central committee members.
What will be MCA's future under the new leadership of Ong Tee Keat, the so-called "lone-ranger" ? He is now the numero uno of the 3rd largest Chinese political party in the world. What can the Malaysian Chinese and people of other races expected from him?
Tee Keat is a survivor in MCA's politics of patronization and "with us or against us" culture. His differences with former MCA president Ling Liong Sik is well-known to all. He climbed the political ladder step by step, having tasted his first public office election during the Ampang by-election in 1989 which he won by beating former MCA's Selangor leader Dr Lim Ann Koon. When he was first elected MCA Youth chairman in 1999, he was not in the cai tan (menu) or the preferred choice. He beat Loke Yuen Yow, a close associate of Ling Liong Sik.
Being tri-lingual, he was appointed as Parliament's Deputy Speaker after he won the Ampang by-election. After the 1999 general election he was appointed as Deputy Minister for Youth and Sports and the minister that time was Hishammudin Tun Hussein. His boss in the ministry was changed after the 2004 election when former Umno Puteri head, Azalina Othman was appointed as minister. It is well-known amongst the ministry officials and youth leaders at that time, the short stint reporting to Azalina was not a comfortable one for both of them.
After being elected MCA vice president in 2005, a cabinet re-shuffle in 2006 moves Tee Keat to the Higher Education Ministry under Umno's Mustapha Mohd. His position in the Youth Ministry was given to the MCA Youth head then Liow Tiong Lai. It was during this time that Tee Keat had a war of words with the Education Minister Hishammudin, his former boss in the Youth Ministry, regarding allocation for a school. He was asked to apologized but he stuck to his grounds.
Now he is elected MCA president, his seniority in the Cabinet will be trajected to third in terms of seniority in the Barisan Nasional government. It will be interesting to know how is Hishammudin and Azalina going to feel now. Their former deputy is now their senior in Cabinet!
Another person to look out for is the just elected to first placed vice president Kong Cho Ha, the current Deputy Finance Minister. Based on convention, will he be appointed as full Minister? If he is, will it be the minister position currently held by Ong Ka Chuan, the defeated candidate for deputy president? Or Chua Soi Lek will demand for a senatorial appointment and go back to the Cabinet via the back door by clamouring for Ong Ka Chuan's position?
One thing is for sure, the Cabinet re-shuffle is imminent. Latest expected to be early April 2009 after the Umno's general assembly in late March 2009 where many current ministers are expected to be dumped by Najib and replace with the president's men.
No matter who is appointed as ministers, it will be of no consequence if the rhetorics during the MCA's AGM is not follow through and translated to actions and results as expected by not only their members but most important of all the people of Malaysia.
Ong Tee Keat is now in the driver seat. He have the chance to turn his linguistics aspirations into reality. He has been vocal on various issues when he was the MCA Youth chairman, demanding answers and accountability on every opportunity. Now everyone will be focusing on him, demanding the same that he once expected others to do.
Tee Keat, keep to your words and conscience. Translate your dreams to actions. Many of those that once work together with you for the well-being of the young people of Malaysia will be watching with high expectations.
As you once said to me, " There is no use of talking about soldiers on paper". I am now returning those same words to you! - Loka
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Plans are made to be challenged
It may looks illogical for Rafidah Aziz to hand over the Umno Wanita chief position to Sharizat Abdul Jalil three months after the Umno election in March 2009. There is a conspiracy theory that says Rafidah are not confident to win if there is a challenge fron Sharizat and one of the way to maintain her position is to convince Sharizat not to contest the top post.
On the other hand there is a possibility that the no-contest and hand over arrangement is a grand design to deter one person from moving up the Wanita ladder. That person is Tourism minister Azalina Othman. If most of the wanita divisions sticks to the plan and nominated only Rafidah and Sharizat for the no. 1 and no.2 posts, that will ensure the former Puteri leader Azalina will not obtain the necessary nomination quota to contest the posts especially the deputy Wanita post.
It is well-known that Rafidah and Azalina does not moves on the same turf and do not sees eye-to-eye since the formation of Puteri Umno. This arrangement is to derail the ambitious Azalina from securing the deputy Wanita position this time around.
Whether this works will depends on the number of nominations Azalina getting for the deputy post and if Sharizat will obtain enough nomination for the chief post. If Azalina qualifies to contest, that will be a direct challenge to Sharizat's position and makes her political future shaky. That will leave her with no choice but to go all the way to secure enough nomination to fight it out for the Wanita head position.
It will be a colourful showdown between so-called "sworn sisters". - Loka
Friday, October 10, 2008
U-Turn for Gerakan?
This weekend will provide signals on the direction of the BN component members when Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia have their national delegates convention. Gerakan will be the first BN component party to have their party election since the political tsunami of March 8.
Basing on the long list and variety of candidates lining up to contest, the coming party election provides a platform for Gerakan members to voice their views and feelings after the 308 debacle. With more candidates offering themselves for the posts, it shows that they still want to give their last shot to serve and change Gerakan for the better. It will be the right place for Gerakan delegates to thrash out whatever dissatifactoriness against the leadership, BN government policies and specifically Umno's arrogance and don't care less about other components attitude.
It will also be a turning point for Gerakan to change or in reality to U-turn to their original objectives and direction when it was first established. Everyone, including many in Gerakan acknowlege that Gerakan need to make a decisive decision on their future role in the nation's politics. The many years in BN had makes it a "beggar of BN" where it depends on Umno to justify their existence in Malaysian politics. Whether Gerakan exists in BN or not makes not much difference. The worst of all it makes Gerakan begging to Umno to maintain it's relevancy. Gerakan becoming the "sick man of BN". The Malay proverb says,"Hidup segan, mati tak mahu".
After March 8, Gerakan lost it's one and only "senior" ministerial position previously held by former president Lim Keng Yaik. The position was given to Umno. What they got is just two deputy ministers positions. If history is to repeat itself, do not expect Gerakan to get back the position even if they are able to increase their parliamentary seats the next round. MCA held the Finance minister portfolio until the 1970's before it was taken away by Umno. Now MCA are happy just to be given the Deputy Finance Minister 1, not even Finance Minister II. MIC even held the Education portfolio once and now their traditional Works Ministry was also taken by Umno after the last election.
Gerakan need to decide. To be in or out of BN. To be able to decide in a more mature way, they need to reflect on the original intention of the formation Gerakan by their forefathers. Gerakan was never meant to be a racial based party; it was never intended to be a surbodinate of another party; it was never the party just for the educationist; it was never set-up to promote a political dynasty; it was never there to condone any corrupt practices and land grabbing.
It was to be the champion of people of all races, all religion, all stratas of society- without fear or favour. Can Gerakan still do all these? The delegates to the National Delegates Convention must decide wisely. An unwise decision will make Gerakan irrelevant and unwanted by the people and sent it to the footnote of the Malaysian political history. - Loka
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What will be Abdullah's legacy?
When Abdullah Badawi replaces Mahathir Mohamad as the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia in 2003 there were many high hopes on him to perform and govern the country to a greater heights. Many have good words for him as the Mr. Nice Guy who ascended the highest political office of the country with a remarkable and untainted records.
The expectations were indeed sky high which Abdullah is expected to deliver during his term of office. The result of the 2004 general election when BN secures 92% of the parliamentary seats was an endorsement of his premiership. After 22 years under the strong willed control of Mahathir administration, the rakyat expected a change towards a more open and freer society.
While many exhibits their confidence for the new PM that period of time, there is also some who are keeping their fingers crossed. I was one of them. Only time will prove whether a person will deliver whatever he promises and fulfilled the needs of the people. Especially for those who live the life of a politician where there is no permanent friends or foes. For some promises is not always equivalent to commitment, dignity and honour. Whatever happens in the past may not guarantee the future political direction of the person will be the same.
Abdullah promises a lot and now he is left with only less than six months to deliver them before he calls it a day and retires as PM. Whether he can fulfilled all his promises within this short period is indeed a huge question since he had 5 years to do it but met with many stumbling block especially from his own Umno people. The results of the 2008 general election provides the drawing on the board that Abdullah and BN fails to understand the happening on the ground. Their supporters deserted them in droves. Maybe they were still enjoying the extended 2004 honeymoon. Some still dreamt of being in honeymoon and having the denial syndrome. When will they wake up? Maybe next general election when they won't be having their bed to lie on to dream anymore!
Knowing that he won't be Umno president and PM by March 2009, akin to a lame duck PM, what makes Abdullah thinks that he can overcome all those obstacles in the next six months to fulfil his promises and leave a legacy in Malaysian history?
No doubt about it, Abdullah premiership did brought change in the democratic process especially in comparison to previous PMs. The rise of NGOs and community groups in voicing their comments on the state of the nation and seeking justice and equality for the people which is unseen of during the previous Mahathir's adminstration shows that Abdullah initailly governed the country with a big ear approach . He listens.
We can't say that he did not try. The question is whether did he tried hard enough? He listens but did he courageously take actions after he heard the voices of unhappiness from the people. Later during the sunset of his premiership, he still listens but to those who asked him to used the big stick. How is his performance in managing not only the country but also his own people especially in Umno and his close associates and relatives? History will be the witness to his legacy. Will he utilised the last six months as PM to leave a legacy for the many generations to come or it will be something else?
I am not superstitious, but as usual I will keep my fingers crossed. For the outgoing PM Abdullah and also the incoming PM, whoever he is. - Loka
General Election,
Prime Minister
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Call For Peace
The following article is a reflection from a fellow Buddhist activist K.V. Soon , on the latest development afflicting the community and the our beloved country. If I am not mistaken, his centre is the only Buddhist centre that organises a Puja and meditation for the ISA detainees at the height of the recent ISA swoop on a journalist, politician and a blogger.
When we closes our eyes to meditate, do we shut our hearts and ears too?-Loka
A Call for Peace
A Reflection on Buddhism, Freedom and the ISA
By K V Soon (September 2008)
The political events over the past months in Malaysia has create much uncertainty. Compounded by economic uncertainty arising fallout of large financial institutions, gives more reasons for concerns. Amidst all this, what is most fearful in the heart of many Malaysian is the unstable political environment. What concerns and upsets most is the manner so-called dissidents and oppositions are dealt with. In particular, the detention without trial - selected individuals accused of being threats to the peace of the nation. Their detention is known as Section 73(1) Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960. This act states that:
"Any police officer may without warrant arrest and detain pending enquiries any person in respect of whom he has reason to believe that there are grounds which would justify his detention under section 8; and that he has acted or is about to act or is likely to act in any manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to maintenance of essential services therein or to the economic life thereof."
Further in Section 8 ISA: Power to order detention or restriction of persons.
"(i) If the Minister is satisfied that the detention of any person is necessary with a view to preventing him from acting in any manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to the maintenance of essential services therein or the economic life thereof, he may make an order (hereinafter referred to as a detention order) directing that that person be detained for any period not exceeding two years."
As of today there are 64 known detainees were detained since 2001, not given a chance at all to defend themselves through due legal process. (A full list is available at Some are alleged terrorists; some are accused of being spies while at one of them are a blogger. Some held for more than seven with no freedom in sight.
I know many Buddhist friends are greatly aware of this topic of discussion. Many of my friends take these discussions to the coffee shops, or even at private corners of Buddhist temples. One thing we cannot deny is that this issue has a greater implication to our society as a whole. To most of us, it much more than we want to know and to accept. Being a Buddhist, this Act represents a direct contradiction to the teachings and principles of the Buddha Dharma.
The overcoming of dukkha and the spirit of Siddhartha's Renunciation
As a Buddhist it pains me to see this dukkha inflicted unnecessarily to individuals. It pains me to see one of these detainee did not get to see his daughter at her deathbed. With two daughters of my own, my heart cried to the story of Shahrial Sirin, detained for 7 years WITHOUT TRIAL under the ISA. The authorities delayed the decision to allow him to return to visit his daughter who was in coma at the Kajang Hospital. She died 3 1/2 hours after her father arrived. This is just one story. I asked myself, how can we continue to recite the following every week (daily in some cases). Yet continue to go on with life as if nothing is happening?
Jatipi dukkha jarapi dukkha maranampi dukkham
Soka.parideva. dukkha domanas. supuyasapi dukkha
(Birth is suffering, ageing is suffering, and death is suffering;
Sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are suffering;)
Is this the thought Prince Siddhartha experienced when he saw the Four Sights that was so powerful that led him to leave the palace? Is it doing something about the dukkha in line with the spirit of renunciation? If this is the spirit of renunciation of Siddhartha, how can we, as followers of the Buddha's teachings, sit and be quiet and continue to focus inward into our vipassana practices oblivious to what's happening outside. Did the Buddha not speak of compassion?
There is even Pali word for it, it's "karunā". Karunā is one of the four "divine abodes" (brahmavihara), along with lovingkindness (metta), sympathetic joy (mudita) and equanimity (upekkha). In the Pali Canon, the Buddha recommends cultivating these four virtuous mental states to both householders and the monastic. When one develops these four states, the Buddha advises radiating them in all directions, as in the following stock canonical phrase regarding karunā:
"He keeps pervading the first direction — as well as the second direction, the third, & the fourth — with an awareness imbued with compassion. Thus he keeps pervading above, below, & all around, everywhere & in every respect the all-encompassing cosmos with an awareness imbued with compassion: abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will." Kālāmā Sutta (AN 3.65)
In the Pali commentaries Karunā is the desire to remove harm and suffering (ahita-dukkha-apanaya-kāmatā) from others (SN-A 128).
We should do what we can to show compassion now. Show the detainees (and their families) the Buddhists do care.
Buddhism & the Overcoming of Fear
Why are we not expressing our Karunā? I organized a Puja and Meditation for the ISA detainees and hardly a handful of people turned up? No big temples or Buddhist organizations have organized such Puja at the point of writing this reflection. I spoke to some Buddhist friends and two answers came out the most. The first is often, "I am not affected (so do not need to bother)". I will talk more about this later. The more common respond is "aren't you afraid that YOU might arrested under the ISA too? In other words, FEAR.
If Siddhartha feared for his life and feared the loss of his lifestyle, he would not have left the comfort of His palace. We would have NO Buddhism today! This article and magazine would not exist! The Buddha said that fear is an obstruction to the development of calm and insight.
Let me share this article. Taken from a lecture entitle The Psychology of Emotions in Buddhist Perspective by Dr. Padmasiri de Silva:
Fear is often caused by strong desires (ta.nhaaya jaayati bhaya.m) [Dhp 216] Strong desires and attachment to either persons or things cause fear because if we cling to some precious and valuable object, ................
………… It is the same with the attachment to one's own self: a threat to one's life, sickness, the threat of losing one's job or reputation — all these situations are conditions for the emergence of fear. It is due to the strong self-preservative drive (bhavata.nhaa) which in turn is fed by the bhavaraaga anusaya (the lurking tendency to crave for existence) that fear becomes such an agitating condition........
....Thus restlessness and worry blind one's vision of oneself, and form an obstruction to the development of tranquility and insight. [AN 5.193]
We cannot stick our heads in the sand believing everything is okay, hiding in the thought that our private meditation practice is more important. This mindset is call delusion. We must strive to overcome FEAR.
Buddha Dharma = Freedom
The Dharma that the Buddha discovered expounds several important principles beginning with freedom and the cessation of dukkha. The ultimate aim of Buddhism is to achieve absolute freedom from the cycle of life and death, this freedom is known as Nirvana or Nibbana. Achieving this means have the right conditions.
Hence, I personally feel that it is our right to speak up, support and provide some form of solidarity to people who have been detained under this Internal Security Act (ISA). We need to strive to create the right conditions for our practice now, we cannot wait for these conditions to appear. How can we truly practice when there is fear. Some have argues with me that, “look we are free to practice and have our temples, why stir up problem”. My response is simple, this called “being selfish” and against the teachings of the four brahmaviharas.
We must do something. Making an effort is “karma”. Karma is not waiting for something to happen to us – and we decide if it is good or bad karma.
It is very clear that making effort to change is a blessing. The Buddha in the Maha-Mangala Sutta advised us that Patirupadesavaso ca (To dwell in a suitable locality is a supreme blessing). If any of our detainees are relatives, we will think and act differently - what if they are our relatives, brothers and sisters in this same house called Malaysia. We would do something for our relatives. In the same Sutta, the Buddha also advised that Naatakaana~n ca sa"ngaho: Helping one's relatives is a supreme blessing.
We do not help our relatives by taking to the streets and cause chaos, we just need to focus on our minds and send METTA to those who are detained - and to make it known that our Buddhist brothers and sisters are in support.
In the same way, we must not forget the people who signed the arrest orders including the people that executed the orders. They too need our METTA. There are no enemies according the Buddha’s teachings – just people who have not seen certain wisdoms yet. In the Maha-Mangala Sutta as well, we are reminded of Khanti: Patience and Tapo: Energetic self-restraint. That’s the way we show, support and solidarity.
There is so much more to write about this as it is the topic right now. Suffice that as Buddhist, we are also citizens of this country that wants a country to be ruled by the rule of law and justice and there is way to do it. This message is even more powerful in the Mahayana tradition, where a Bodhisattva vows:
I vow to liberate all beings, without number 眾生無邊誓願度
Let’s begin by looking at our own backyard in a place called Kamunting. In this place, people are detained and held with no opportunity of justice bestowed upon them.
What we do nor indeed affects our future, our children and their children. Doing something today is Pubbe ca katapu~n~nataa: Having made merit in the past. What we do today is the past that affects our future. This is the land where we and our children (and their children will be). Doing something can make a difference!
Lastly, I leave you with this prayer:
Evoking the presence of the great compassion, let us fill our hearts with our own compassion - towards ourselves and towards all living beings.
Let us pray that all living beings realise that they are all brothers and sisters, all nourished from the same source of life.
(Buddhist Prayer on World Peace Day, 2007)
May all Beings be well and happy always, may all being find RELEASE.
Friday, September 26, 2008
A dignified PM to be
With the pressure mounting from it's own members and leaders, it is imminent that Abdullah Badawi is expected to quit as Umno president and PM very soon. The sixth PM is expected to be appointed by the King after that.
Most will expect Umno's deputy PM Najib Razak to take over the Premiership from him. But at issue is whether the transition plan will proceed as decided by the Umno supreme council or will it face possible derailment such as Tengku Razaleigh challenge by seeking enough nominations to fight it out for the Umno presidency which by convention is also to assumed the prime minister position as leader of BN.
Another possible spanner in the works is the onslaught of Anwar's battle to attract BN parliamentarians to switch camp to PR. If it happens, the next parliament sitting after Hari Raya Puasa festival will see the appointment of a new PM by the King but it will not be Najib.
Even that is so, there are critics who thinks that it is not morally right to secure the coveted PM position using that approach since the rakyat did not decide that way on March 8 election. BN won the general election in the battle led by Abdullah Badawi and everybody knows Abdullah will be the PM when BN wins the election. If that's the case, can Najib take over as PM once Abdullah resigns midway through the term of parliament mandated by the rakyat?
Legally speaking, Najib can assumed the position as the constitution says that the King will appoints an elected MP who has the majority support of MPs of the Dewan Rakyat (Lower House). That is according to the law.
On the other hand if Anwar able to secure the majority support of the Dewan Rakyat, according to the law, he too can be PM legally. There is no mention of party affiliation by the MPs. As long as a particular MP can secure the majority support, the MP concerned can be appointed PM by the King.
There is no such thing that says whoever takes over the Umno presidency will be automatically the PM. Further more, the rakyat voted BN MPs to set up the government to be led by Abdullah not Najib. Is it morally correct to take over the PM position without seeking the consent of rakyat? Just as critics had tasked on the morality of Anwar taking over as PM via the back door without the consent of the people but by playing politics to secure power. Is Najib suspected to be doing the same too, playing politics to secure the position?
If both of them wants to walks into office with pride, respect and dignity, it will be dignified and statesman-like for them to go back to the voters for endorsement, not just depends on a political decision of a majority of 112 MPs or 25 members of the Umno supreme council.
Anyhow, both routes to power is not against the law as long as there is no acts of breaking the law such as buying over support with money, positions, sexual gratification, overseas trips or using threats of physical violence to any person or their loved ones. There is always a thin line and grey area in defining the morality and conscience of politicians in making decisions to seek higher office and power.
At the end of the day, no matter how legalistic and law abiding the method used to secure power, it is the individual's karma in facing the wrath of their almighty if their actions is not morally upright. If these matters to them though. - Loka
Monday, September 22, 2008
Rising Temperature, Cool It
The weather is changing. Temperature is rising and most people felt it. Are we part of the contributing factor and still doing it or are we detesting the situation and tries to pour some cold water to cool things down.
Well I am not talking about the global climate change or green house effect. I am refering to the rising racial tension in the country caused by some irresponsible warts of society. Their uncalled for remarks and bidding to be their community heroes at the expense of the nation's well being and peaceful co-existence.
Last week a journalist from a mainstream newspaper phoned me requesting an interview via the phone. The journalist was writing a feature to compare whether policy regarding other than Islam places of worship has changed in both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat states since the last general election.
I responded that even though I am prepared to provide my views but I am of the opinion that it is not the best of time to publish any article of that sort in the midst of rising racial temperature. Some of us may be able to accept differences in opinions and approaches but we can't say that applies to all. There are certain people who will jumped on any opportunity to boost their ego and political standing. We should not offer any opportunity to these narrow-minded fellas or we will ends up part of the contributing factor to the rising temperature.
It can be a good article but if published the wrong time, it becomes a source of contention again. Patience is an virtue. Wait after the weather changes for the better when temperature cools down and ordinary folks will not be easily manipulated by those opportunistic religious bigots and racial extremists.
The journalist called me the next day informing me the newspaper editor decided to hold-on the writing of the article until situation permits. Good for them. Good for us. Hope people will think wisely with a good heart for everybody and the nation. Live and let live. - Loka
Friday, September 19, 2008
AIA remain strong
Last few days has been busy attending calls from my friends and clients enquiring on the impact of the financial situation faced by AIG to it's Malaysian subsidiary AIA Berhad.
It was business as usual in AIA Malaysia. I was in my branch office yesterday and it DID NOT experience the rush to surrender policies as what happened to "kiasu" Singaporeans. There were the usual routine with policy holders paying their due premiums and making changes of addresses, beneficiaries and etc on their policies.
The letter from AIA CEO to AIA policyholders on the issue can be read here.
The main point is that AIA Malaysia remain strong and is not impacted by the ongoing financial issues in the US.- Loka
Monday, September 15, 2008
Jittery over a date
By tomorrow, the targeted date of Anwar's dream of being appointed the Malaysian 6th Prime Minister will be put to test.
There are those who are convinced that he will pull through with a simple majority to form the next government while there are detractors who are calling it a bluff. On the former assertion it seems that there are valid claims of confidence basing on the jittery feeling and manouvering by the Bn government.
The packing off of the 54 Bn MPs to Taiwan during the Muslims' fasting month acknowleged the tension currently felt by the Bn government. The reason of this argument is that it is not usual practice for Muslim politicians and government servants not to stay home to observe the month of Ramadhan. Travelling overseas is not a priority unless it is essential and unavoidable. It seems that both essential and unavoidable did exists on this case. The latest usaged of ISA on Malaysian citizens gave a picture of a leadership under siege and sending signals of desperate measures that backfired.
On the other hand, there is nothing much to show other than the usual rhetorics and claims by Anwar and PKR's leadership that the change of government is happening. In reality there is not a single MP from Bn that had declared their intention to join the Pakatan Rakyat government. Maybe there are some former MPs like MCA's Dr Tan Yee Kew and Gerakan's Dr Tan Kee Kwong whom already joined PKR but former MPs do not have a say in parliament isn't it. Maybe Sapp two MPs will be the first to declare? Furthermore, PR might have difficulty filling up the cabinet with qualified, experience and suitable candidates from it's own alliance. It will also expected to rope in MPs from BN as prospective cabinet ministers which might cause displeasure amongst its own members.
In the meantime, people is looking forward for a quick showdown once and for all and move on with our lives and hoping for a reduction in the cost of living.- Loka
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
BN kick out Umno?
What happens if all the other 12 BN components members decided enough is enough with all those arrogant behaviour and "invite" Umno to get out from BN?
At current development in the BN circle where Umno is not having the best of the days sleeping with her BN partners which includes senior partners like MCA and Gerakan, no one can predict what will happen next. Even SAPP of Sabah which was given a show-cause letter for proposing to support a vote of no-confidence against the PM are not expected to tone down their unhappiness.
Will Malaysian politics and the country heading for the better if Umno is sack from BN and then BN without Umno set up a unity government with Pakatan Rakyat? Or will the worst happens? Will Umno becomes more racialistic and extreme when push to a corner and ends up as the main opposition in Parliament and the state assemblies? Don't reject this yet, as in politics anything unthinkable and impossible can becomes a reality with Malaysian politicians!
Even those MPs having a "study tour" in Taiwan are not to be counted out in the grand design. They may be physically out of Malaysia but with the use of IT & SD (statutory declaration), they might not be here physically, but their mind is always on Malaysia. - Loka
Friday, September 5, 2008
Before you quote history
History is a subject which many look upon as an arts subject in the secondary and tertiary education systems. Those in the primary school level learned about historical background of certain place or personalities in the local studies subject. Many always made the mistake of saying 'history repeats itself".
Does history "repeats" itself? The incidence might be similiar but the characters and location would have changed. Furthermore, the most important fact about history which will never repeats itself is time. No matter how similiar the incident, time of occurence will never be the same. While I am keying in these words, the previous sentences already history. Time passes while we take every breath.
When we try to quote a part of history to justifies our arguments or actions, we need to take cognisance that others will quote many other historical facts to counter our points. History itself has been challenged with history. How far back we want to trace the historical background of certain matter? Yesterday, last year, one decade, one century, ten centuries or to the Bronze Age?
The Ahmad Ismail saga on his racial statement which is considered demeaning the Chinese in Malaysia as immigrants will not see any early ending soon. By justifying his racial statement with historical background based on the colonial period will surely attracts rebuttal from others who will also quote historical facts. The question is which period of time one refers to when claiming a certain race or community is an immigrant or original inhabitants?
Can we based on a scientific guideline or proofs that can safely anointed any individual as the original inhabitants of a land? Basing on a timeline, how long does it take to declare a person as original inhabitants if the person migrates from other places? Ten years, 100 years, 1,000 years, 10,000 years or more?
Can we consider the Perak Man, an 11,000 years old human skeletal remains which was discovered in 1991 in Lenggong, Perak as an original inhabitant. If that is so, how many Malaysians are actually the descendant of Perak Man?- Loka
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