AS anxieties rises due to the numerous fire-bombings of churches recently, the calls for inter-faith dialogues are getting louder by the day. While these initiatives are most welcome, there are some basic principles that need to be adhered by all who participates in any inter-faith dialogues to ensure the inter-faith dialogues itself do not creates more problems.
A close-door and limited inter-faith dialogue without any audience but participated by only one representative from each religion may be much more easy to managed and conducted. The probability of third party audience interference or creating unnecessary ruckus can be avoided.
On the other hand if an inter-faith dialogue are to involved public participation either by limited to invitation only event or opened to the public; much care, thoughts and preparation need to be considered. These are to ensure the well intended event will stays that way and does not develops any situation contrary to the noble intentions.
First - The organisor must be clear of the intention to have the dialogue. No hidden agenda or ulterior motives at the expense of any religion, disregards of whether all religions are represented in the dialogue or not.
Second - there must be mutual respect between the speakers and the religion they represents. The purpose of the dialogue must be maintained at all times which is to enable all to have a better understanding of the participating religions and not to win converts or ridicule others.
Third - the moderator must be able to managed the dialogue professionally and does not take the opportunity to become another speaker and speaks on behalf of his or her religious background.
Forth - the audience must consists of a balanced and good representation of all religions.
Fifth - the audience must respect the right of every speaker to articulate his/her religious views within the stipulated time. There should not be any heckling or intimidation of any speaker by the audience.Any audience who wishes to ask any question must obtain consent from the moderator and should state his name and background and shall not criticized or condemn any religion or speaker.
Sixth - the inter-faith dialogue must be fully recorded on tape for the whole duration of the event and each speaker must be given a copy of the recording.
Seven - the organiser must ensure the personal well-being of all involved in the dialogue namely, the speakers, moderator and participants are taken care at all times.
Eight - the event must be held in a condusive place and for an open event in a public facility, all the necessary approvals must be obtained from the relevant authorities.
Inter-faith dialogues are to build bridges between different faiths and provide a platform for all to have mutual respect and understanding between fellow human beings who strive to build a harmonious world, compassionate society and caring individuals. - Loka
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